Change in plans

I needed to stay close to home this weekend, so my plan was to paddle a 6-mile loop near my house that goes up a flatwater section of the old Blackstone Canal, and down a quickwater section of the Blackstone River. Unfortunately, when I got to the put-in for the flatwater section of the Blackstone Canal I found that it was frozen solid. Bummer, but it is still winter. Instead, I ended up at a near-by surf spot at an old broken dam on the Blackstone River. The level was great, and it is always fun to play around in my Yellowstone Sole. Here is about an hour of paddling in about two and a half minutes.

There is a bike path on the other side of the river up the bank. I had a couple of people stop to make sure I was OK. One guy actually climbed down the bank - he thought I needed help getting up the rapid.


Good workout.

Usually you are playing around like that with other people - you take your turn that take a break while someone else goes out. Doing it alone is a good workout - after an hour I was done.

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