Chatham 16 demo

soundz fun
tho we’re on a ‘visit the in-laws’ mission and not sure they would appriciate me saying “see ya’ I’m going paddlin’!”

thanks for the invite!


Eric is willing to downsize plans
I talked with him about that before deciding to go with the standard Merganser 16 kit (I will use this boat for camping as well as day paddling). At 21" beam, the 16 is still narrower than most 16-footers out there. Oddly enough, the boat looks like it has MORE usable cargo space than my Squall with the pinched ends.

So if I like the way this boat paddles but want a much tighter-fitting dayboat, I’ll talk with Eric again. He will proportionately downsize a boat for only $60 extra; nonproportionate changes will be charged by the labor involved. It sounds like several other designers are willing to do similar mods, judging by the posts on

OR I could just go with Tom Yost’s offer to build one of his SOF designs, and stay the heck away from fiberglass and epoxy. GACK. It’s not the epoxy that’s the PITA so much as the glass…I am soooo glad to be done with the major glassing work. All that’s left, glasswise, is to install the footbrace rail bolts and possibly the deck rigging. Well, and today I will put a 2nd layer of glass tape over the cente of the hatch lips as Eric recommends.