My fiberglass Cetus is looking pretty gross inside, dark scary things are probably growing, it it certainly discolored.
I’m guess I can put some bleach/water mixture in there. I dunno, 1/2 cup per gallon maybe. It should be a few gallons to cover the bottom, and let it sit overnight.
I’ll likely use my pump to pump it out and have it drain down the driveway. Mmmmm, maybe I should dilute it tons, but then the boat would be really heavy to turn on it’s side to dump.
I usually just sponge mine out after a paddle and call it good. Occasionally I vacuum out the sand that likes to accumulate between the seat and the rear bulkhead. I only have a hand pump.
I’d hose it out first, remove anything big that will needlessly use up the chlorine. Per Clorox website add 1/3 c bleach per gallon. I’d go with a couple of gallons and figure out how to move the boat to swish everything around so you wet the whole interior. Consider how to avoid spillage and where/how to dump the water. If you can seal the cockpit the fumes will help too.
Sponge out after a trip and leavr the hatch inside so air blows the compartment dry. I bought a used boat that was partially submerged.
Bleach mixture in a spray bottle may be easier. Use a stiff cleaning brush. Ihad finished cleaning my vinyl siding with a great product. Destroys algea. No need to buy kust for the boat, butnif you have algea in siding, this does double duty.
7 minutes in a rack or stands I can wash clean rinse dry inside of hull. After even an hour of paddling there’s no time for that? Black mold can get you sick.
No problem with a bleach solution inside the craft but I wouldn’t use a pump to remove it. I have ruined too many manual spray bottles applying bleach solutions. The valves degrade quickly. Clean the boat where you can dump whatever solution is left without too much environmental impact. And remember that the longer the solution stands, the weaker it becomes.