Coffee anyone?

Good ole Folgers instant:

Ditto, Sapien, on the instant . . .

For years, I used fancy coffees in my office, with Folgers instant as a back up. (Don’t all coffee lovers have a back up plan?) Then I realized I was generally enjoying the Folgers instant more than the “fancy” brewed stuff, so I switched to the Folgers instant . . . which I now use everywhere - especially camping. I carry one plastic bottle of high test and one of decaff.

Simple: boil water, add coffee, enjoy.

Once opened, I store my coffee in the freezer, for freshness.

Try some Broadway Blues
from Ryan Bros. Coffee out of San Diego. Their slogan is “Life’s too short to be bitter”.

Good Stuff.

I agree with you on thatt morning cup

– Last Updated: Apr-07-09 8:50 AM EST –

My one and one only cup is one of my morning pleasures.
At home I always grind it fresh from beans, and grind it to the consistency of talcum powder.
Not having that luxury on a trip, I'll grind enough prior to the trip and keep it in an air tight container.
We have mugs that have a funnel type container that fits on the top and we just have to put a small filter in the top and pour in boiling water.
Not quite as good as the fresh ground, but in the essence of space, it is the next best thing.


(Don’t all coffee lovers have a back up plan?) so true, for that we have Nescafe and often it is the taste and caffeine punch I am looking for .

Coffee tea bags
Grocery store sells Folgers coffee in tea bags.

Boil water, let tea bag steep in insulated cup for 10 minutes.

Easy, cheap and dispose of the tea bag properly.