I hate cold wet feet, whats new out there that works well in canoes and on portages. I’ve got the NRS Boundary boots but don’t like then on rocky or root covered carries so I’m looking for something with a lug style sole that’s waterpoof. Considering the Chota Quetico’s with the waterproof gaiter sock but don’t know anyone who has them.
Socks Count Too!
Over the years, I’ve found that I’ll get a bootful or two occasionally, no matter what I’m wearing. Merino wool socks are wonderful - dump the boot out, wring out the sock(s), put 'em back on - and they’ll stay reasonably warm. I usually carry a ditch bag with a full set of clothes, including a couple of pairs of merino socks and a merino hat. The Costco Kirkland merino socks are a great deal…
For paddling boots, my favourite pair is actually the chopped-off lower legs and boots from a heavy neoprene diving drysuit. Nice and high, reasonably waterproof, and free, thanks to a dive tech friend…
another thread…
…mentioned Keen brand Gorge boots …they look like nice boots for general use, too bad they don’t come in knee high version too.
Merino Wool and Neoprene Booties work well. You will get a little cold the first time they get wet, but they don’t stay cold. Warm and wet is better than cold and wet…
pull over rubber knee high boots over whatever you feel like underneath. Some wear sneakers. Some wear LL Bean rubber bottom hunting boots. What ever. I love these things on canoe trips. They roll up pretty small and don't take too much space. They go on and off easily with a little talcum powder and they are ultra cheap. Tough as nails as well. Highly recommended for canoe trips. It is really nice to be able to wade in shallow water to load up canoes, get water for drinking or washing. Here is one source http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_SPM688762001P?sid=IDx20101019x00001a&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=SPM4088381801
Yeah, that's a very good boot to have. I don't use them for paddling anymore since I now have two styles of Chotas that are just as high, but I used them in the past for paddling and they worked well. I still use them for hiking in the rain, as you don't have to give up the long-distance hiking comfort of your best hiking boots, but you need not deal with the grief of soaked, squishy socks and leather that takes forever to dry, so it's great when everything in the woods is soaked and puddles are everywhere. For canoeing, I like dedicated paddling boots a lot better (and they will be less encombering in the event of a swim), but Tingleys are a great boot to get you started (or to use forever if one is so inclined).