I just picked up a Coleman Ram X 17 Blue for free. It’s in pretty good condition except it’s missing the two forward thwarts. (not torn out…just missing)
I plan on making new ones out of electrical conduit. I could just measure across the bean. But I would really like to have the exact measurements of the originals.
If someone out there has a Ram X 17 that can provide me with the measurements of the thwarts, and the support braces that run to the keel pipe I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance
Not much help.
I don't have a Coleman Canoe so I can't really help you much there. I do however have an old fiberglass canoe that I did the very thing you are talking about doing.
I used conduit like steel or aluminum tubing to brace the canoe. Aluminum is easier and lighter to work with. I found that you can hammer the ends flat where you want to run your bolts or rivets through. You can bend the ends at angles if needed and fitting them to the canoe was pretty easy.
This old canoe was a survivor of a Kentucky river flood. I had to patch it and straighten it but still using it to this day.
Good luck.
Can’t help you, but…
Let me throw a thought at you.
Instead of trying to match what was existing, Just make them a tad, or a even an inch (half inch on each side) shorter.
You’ll end up with a nice job.
I have added and changed thwarts on several Kevlar canoes, and I have a friend who pulled the gunnels in on one just before a race to make it faster.
I use 3/4" aluminum tubing from Lowes. You can flatten the ends in a vise, and then if you need to you can bend that end at a right angle.
Jack L