Anyone able to compare/contrast Current Designs Kestrel (30# version), Lincoln Quoddy Lite and the heavyweight Necky Manitou? Thanks.
A Couple More Options
A Pungo 120 is a good value for a light little 12’ boat. Very comforatable. Very efficient. Lots of glide. Inexpensisve. Under 50# But only for limited conditions. Not for ocean or whitewater use.
Or if you are not on a budget, look at the 12’ Epic GP. Very, very nice, and under 30# in Carbon fiber. Probably a little more seaworthy, but 2-3 times the cost.
Prijon Capri
The best and lightest plastic 12 footer you can buy. Outstanding firm blow olded (not rotomolded like necky), light at 44 lbs, nice dry hatch, no need rudder, and about $700 new. I own two, they are superb.
I compared
the CD Kestrel hybrid and the LIncoln, I like Lincoln and have the Eggemoggin but the cockpit was too small for this type of boat and therefore chose the Kestrel…at 29ish pounds hard to beat weightwise.
Check out the Hurricane Aquasports Phoenix and the Santee XL. I think they changed the name of the Santee.
Agree on the Capri. I got one this summer and love it. I reviewed it recently on this site.
If you’re gonna try a Kestrel…
you should also consider a Skylark. It’s Eddyline’s 12’ thermoformed kayak. It weighs in around 40 lbs in Carbonlite per Eddyline’s stats but I think it actually weighs slighlty less and they are being conservative in their estimate. I’ve paddled both and am generally more impressed with the Eddyline despite a couple extra pounds. It should be noted that I am highly biased. But a test paddle wouldn’t hurt. At best you find that the Skylark fits your needs better and at worst you’ve added to your practical knowledge of 12’ers.
I vote for Walden if you can still find them. I have a 12 1/2 foot and it’s only 38lbs!!! Rumor has it they are going to start making them again since their is a new owner.
Try the Lincoln Quoddy-Lite
I tested the Quoddy as the basis for purchasing a Lincoln Chebeague which is 14.5 feet long and weighs in at a mere 33 lbs in Kevlar/fiberglass. I needed something a little more seaworthy than the 12-footer. However, the Quoddy was surprisingly agile, tracked well, and seemed very stable. It’s a great little boat at a great price, too. If I can find one used next year I’ll probably buy it as my boat for flat twisty rivers. Good luck.
love the Walden Vista
but I weighed mine and it’s 45#, plus the seat is really primitive and even with Yakpad get butt fatigue after hour and half. Want another boat either lighter or with comfortable seat–Both light and with good seating would be fantastic. Thanks for your response.
more research results-QuoddyLite
I got to sit in and found couldn’t position feet well; they’re big for a 130# 5’6" female. Same problem with the Kestral. In the process of checking those 2 boats I realized I want a smaller cockpit to feel more enclosed. Like the standard touring cockpit. Left on my list to try is the Epic GP(suggested above). Need to research the Capri to see if made in composite. If can’t find light and good sitting will go with the Manitou. Appreciate your input.
Capri is plastic only.
But it has a cooler name than "quoddylite." I mean, sheesh. Who thinks this stuff up?