Confusing Valley Boat Model Names

I’m considering purchasing a few year old but brand new poly Valley Aquanaut as an upgrade in expeditioning size from my beloved Avocet RM. I’m a bit confused by the current models Valley is offering and of course, can’t find specs on their old models.

Is the “old” Aquanaut similar to the current Aquanaut LV or HV or are the new boats entirely new (I heard somewhere that the Aquanaut HV is the old Argonaut)? Other than the comments on the Product Reviews board, do any of you have opinions on the 2005 era poly Aquanaut?

Many thanks,


From what I gather,

– Last Updated: Jul-16-07 4:05 PM EST –

The Argonaut was renamed the Aquanaut HV.
The Aquanaut LV is new.
The Aquanaut is the same as the old one. (don't know if they switched plastic in the last few years)

I have a 2006 poly Aquanaut LV
but it is listed in the reviews already. All I can add is that I’m enjoying it immensely in my second year with the boat after many hundreds of miles.

If you have any specific questions, please post it on this thread.

I can’t compare it to the older Valley models (with the same or similar names) which I have not paddled.

Thanks everyone
for clarifying. And Bruce, since I didn’t know the difference, I hadn’t yet read your review on your Aquanaut LV. I may have more questions as I delve a bit further.


Here is the review for your reference

I am by no means an expert paddler but please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.