Controversies List: Does it Work or Not?

Along With His Children
No crooked noses. Full sets of teeth.

questions made up of multiple questions.

towing is definitely NOT for wimps
being towed is for wimps

define higher winds…
because I thought that 30 knots was sufficient to convince me that a rudder is not really needed to sail. Previously sailing a ruddered kayak I now know that my skegged ones (Impex Assateague, Currituck and Force5) seem to sail better than my ruddered kayaks.

Pix of skegged and ruddered kayaks with sails at

Yep, it’s complete BS
If you look at the mechanics of a layback roll, you are NEVER exposed face-down to the bottom. It’s a myth.

And yet people continue to buy into it.
I never understood that. It’s ok folks, you can do a layback, not going to hurt yourself.


yeah, but happy wimps who live to fight another day or recuperate and paddle onward!

i’ve been pinned face down in sand/rocks
to the back deck a few times. This was from unexpected capsizes in shallow water in dumping surf.

I had one bad one in san diego over some nice pointy rocks where I got dragged on my face over some rocks.

basically I was surfing, stern ruddering/bracing to get a good ride, got nuked over hard and wound up pinned to the back deck. Doesn’t happen often but it does happen.

ouch, but…
sounds like you flipped in shallow water and immediately had your head pushed back facing the rock. If so, this is different than actually starting a roll (where you bend forward almost kissing the front deck). When doing a layback roll you start facing the deck/sky and only as the boat gradually rolls do you make your way toward laying back. So by the time your face is very exposed you are already at halfway up and still your head is roughly looking up.

I know another minor argument against a layback in WW was a slight delay in being in an aggressive, ready for action posture.

yep totally different than finishing a
roll on the backdeck.

I think if you get air and are ready to paddle job done.

There is a slight delay. But who’s to
say you will finish the roll pointing the right way? I remember coming out of a hole facing upstream, after finishing the roll and charging hard back upstream towards the hole 'cause my eyes hadn’t cleared yet. Glad I didn’t go back in that thing.
