Dagger Passage Canoe

Hi everyone, I recently acquired a Dagger Passage canoe from a relative and cannot seem to find much information about it. The Dagger website only lists kayaks. Does anyone have any personal experience or knowledge of this model as it appears to be a quality well built canoe.



Dagger Canoe
Dagger ceased production of canoes about 5 years ago. Their site is relatively worthless as it gives no information regarding discontinued models.

Dagger made excellent Royalex and R-Lite canoes. The Passage is, I believe, essentially equivalent to the Mad River Reflection 17. The Reflection 17 is currently listed on the Mad River Canoe site. You could measure yours and see if the dimensions match.

I think your boat may be R-Lite rather than Royalex.

Dagger Passage Canoe
Thanks for the info. It does have a R-Light decal on it and the dimensions match. Do you know if the original cost of it would have been similar to the Mad River price on their website?


– Last Updated: Aug-19-09 12:51 PM EST –

Dagger produced that boat in the mid 1990s. My guess is that is sold for about $800 with vinyl-covered aluminum gunwales at that time.

There are a couple of pnet reviews for the Dagger Passage and several for the Dagger Reflection 17 that you might want to check, if you haven't already.

dagger passage
I bought one second hand about a year ago. I had been paddling an Old Town Discovery 169. I thought I had a good canoe until I started paddling the Dagger. My

partner and I have won 2 races with the Dagger Passage and we are entered in the CR100 and are going to use it. We soon will step up to a real race boat, but the Dagger Passage has been great for us. My only issue with it is the seats, which are being replaced this week.

Dagger Passage
Are you still looking for info on this Dagger Canoe?

1996 Dagger Catalog
found this, which includes info on Dagger Canoes
