Dagger Sojourn

Can anyone tell me if the Sojourn is symmetrically rockered and how much?


– Last Updated: Oct-10-11 8:23 PM EST –

Can't specifically answer your question, but will give you my opinion about the Sojourn:

Very little rocker.
Fairly light weight.
Not highly manueverable, but not a big problem to if you are a competent paddler.
Pretty fast on the straights.
Very little freeboard with a good sized paddler & a fairly heavy load of gear.
Wet boat if you try to take it on anything more than low level class 2.
Pretty lines; looks like a fast canoe, just sitting on a rack, or on the river bank.
Gets up to speed quickly & easy to maintain a good speed.
Beginners & even some intermediate paddlers don't like it; "It's too tippy"! Initial stability is not great, but you adapt to it after some miles, and secondary stability is somewhat forgiving.
Have had more than one decent paddler get in it in shallow water, start to back stroke out into the river, stop, paddle to shore & get back out.......

The canteen holder mounted beneath the seat I quickly removed; foot entrapment issue for my size 13s. The seat on mine is fixed.

Mine is a rather unusual deep blue color with gold lettering. Royalex, with wood trim that's nicely done. I like it & have no intention of selling it anytime soon.

Have heard it get bad press because of supposedly? weak stems if left outside in cold. Have had no problems personally(all my wood trimmed boats stay inside when not being used). I seldom seldom run into rocks head on, at speed; so those is a non issue too.

I'd "guesstimate" 1 1/2 inch of rocker at most; maybe only 1 inch?


P.S. Put 4 equally skilled paddlers in a Royalex Sojourn, Wildfire, Vagabond, and Argosy. I'd put my money on the Sojourn running off & leaving the other 3 in it's wake.

According to the 1999 Dagger catalog…
it has 0.5" bow and 0.0" stern.