Davis Vantage Vue up

Well a new one is back up after the pipe it’s mounted to came down in an arc. It hit a landscape tie and that was to much. I loosened the top bolt in pipe so it hinges down.

I figured bottom bolt was tight enough to hold pipe upright for two seconds. I tugged it a bit it felt tight. I went for the impact drill at my feet. Though about it for about 60 seconds and went for it. :joy: Boom :boom: down it came and broke. You gamble you lose sometimes. I didn’t want to get honey outside she was cooking food for the doggies. :sob:

Need to brace 4x4 which is mounted to bulkhead piling. Then I may extend the Vantage Vue trans matter up another ten feet to make it more accurate.

May hook it up to the Weather Underground just need to buy Gizmo to transmit info to Internet and pay 8 bucks a month. Then I can see from my phone or others too the weather.