Deciding between CD Vision(13 or 14),Hurricane Tampico 130, Hurricane Sojurn

SOT Kayaker looking to get a lighter and faster craft for a longer season than my current 62 lb decade+ old 13 ft SOT Fishing kayak(I am not fishing). I am in the Northeast, New Jersey Shore area, 6 foot 178lbs. The kayaks I mentioned above seem to fit the bill for a “transitional” type of boat and are all around 45lbs so easier to car top.
Not racing but would like to cover more ground, usually behind the barrier islands but Ocean exposed some of the time. Lots of tidal currents and plenty of windy days. 65 year old in good shape doing day paddles. Have to learn some skills when it warms up if I get one of these but wondering if Anyone with experience can compare the to Hurricane boats or compare to the CD boats.

Look at CD Solstice line. 48 lb. 17-7" skip rec and transitional kayaks. You can get one for 700-1000 bucks.

I would go with the Sojourn 135, in fact that’s what I did after sitting in the Vision 130. The depth of the Vision is only 12". I found that very confining, I couldn’t raise my knees at all to change my position or relieve pressure. The new Tampico 130 is pretty wide (26") for its length, so I would expect it to be slower than the Sojourn 135 (24" wide). Those two inches would make a big difference. The 135 is extremely stable and has no need for any more width for stability. I have a Sojourn 135 for sale if you’d like to take a long drive. It’s for sale because I bought a new one when I had the opportunity, because I love it. Honestly the best of the approx. 10 kayaks I’ve owned. Will send you a link.

My wife and I have been paddling our Vision 130 and 140 kayaks for over 10 years now and for our uses they are perfect. We don’t do “big” water or overnight camping but we’ve used these boats a lot from Nova Scotia ocean bays, to NYC Harbour and the lower Hudson, Barnegat Bay, and now Hilton Head Island, they still almost look like new. I’m 6’ 200 and she is 5’ 120 and they fit us well. We bought them from Jersey Paddler when they were still in business and test paddled them against several Hurricane and WS boats but both of us preferred the performance and ruggedness of the fiberglass/aramid Visions. I also prefer the skeg to a rudder.

I keep thinking about buying a true sea kayak - maybe a Sisu or a Karla - but for the South Carolina saltmarshes and estuaries where we now live, the Visions are excellent and easy to both store and car top.

Thx for your input on those 3 kayaks. Much Appreciated. (By the way you are a bit too far for me to go check out a used one.)

Thanks for the Info on your Visions. Good to hear they have held up well. Too bad many(or any) places left around here to do test paddles anymore.