I’m getting close to finishing my kayak and need to buy deck rigging for it - perimeter lines and bungees. I liked the two-color idea that someone mentioned (Celia, I thinks).
I’d like to find yellow rope w/ reflective material for the perimeter lines and red, if possible for the bungee.
Any suggestions for where and thicknesses to go with?
tsk, tsk…
Hey, Doug, what are you building? I just checked your Flickr page, and there are no new photos. We’ve talked Yost before; I’m wwfloyd on Flickr.
Alas, the suppliers I usually use don’t have colored lines, so can’t help there.
Ha! No posted photos…
… of this boat for some reason. I’ve got a few on my cell, but not many.
I’m building a Yost Sea Tour 17R - something that’ll likely throw me in the water… a LOT.
Just got the kayak frame to the point of taking it off the strongback tonight. A little more epoxy work and I’m ready for skin! I’m going with the trucker’s tarp again - not the coverene, some new stuff that Tom posted about on QajaqUSA.
Neocorp should have it but their website is just a placeholder - anyone know what’s up?
I’ll have to look out for that. The Coverene just didn’t impress me as suitable for serious use. I mean, you could put a pinch-ding-abrasion mark on it by slight mis-handling on land.
Hi Carl,
From what I’ve been told Neocorp is revising it’s website. Have to call them, on the phone
Bill H.
I found a reflective black
bungee on ebay, but it didn’t have mfg ino. Second the bluewater ropes, I’ve used it before.
What is this “phone” thing that you speak of?