describe paddling a SOF?


If you want to order in bulk together,tell me how much you think you will need and I can make a joint order. I will order after the boat gets here around the 28th or 29th. (will have to measure)

Also are you going to get another spray skirt for your boat? Brooks is closed until Jan 2 so I missed out on ordering one…(the summer skirt)so I guess I will have to go with another brand for now and get a tuiluik when I move north.


Pete is sending me one of those roll up sleds (that I can’t seem to find here in Florida)to use as a base to help slide my feet into the boat.

He also said that most people just use a walmart pad (like you would take to a baseball game)for a seat but I think I will be looking for some minicell to put in between the braces like Bryan did on his pages. Greyak also mentioned that he had a piece of bamboo mat that rolled up and was rubberized on one side that would probably work great (if I could find something like that)

I guess I will be looking at minor options when the boat arrives to personalize it a bit for comfort. I am most concerned about the flexible hamstrings and will be concentrating on stretching exercises to alleviate some of that probably pain.


Yeah - they also won’t begin shipping into the US until Jan 13th. Rather disappointing not to be able to get an akuilisaq for a month or more.

Really don’t feel like making one. I’m getting near my DIY limit and want to get back to paddling and having an apartment to live it!

I also don’t want to buy a regular OC sized skirt with flat deck and tunnel setup. I may be able you use Kim’s skirt as a temporary but it’s tunnel is a little small on me. I frequently pop it off the coaming on the Pintail when rolling.

make one.
Ok lets make a couple together. How much time could it take? Your design and building skills and my errr… moral support and coffee getting skills?

Seriously, shouldn’t take more than a day should it?


Qajaq pads…

For cold water I use one of those 1/4" - 1/2" thick closed-cell pads that backpackers sleep on. For Florida use, I often use a thin Yoga mat. You can find them just about anywhere. Greenlanders sometimes just use an old kayak skin.

I’m not a fan of cut foam pieces that fit between frame members unless you are willing to remove them after use to allow the frame to dry (too fussy for me). I haven’t found any more than a foam pad to be necessary but as they say, your milage may vary.

A good Yoga hamstring stretch is to lay on your back in a doorway, so that one leg is fully extended and the other is raised along the door jamb, at or approaching a 90 degree angle. Keep your back flat on the floor. Relax and don’t strain – at first you might not be able to lift your leg very high. Over time you will be able to raise your leg 90 degress and fully against the door jamb. Hold for 30 seconds or more and then shift your body so that you can stretch the other leg.

Greg Stamer

due date
for my SOF is December 27th or 28th. Can hardly wait!


Love my Greenland SOF
I built my Greenland style SOF three years ago and have used it hard since then. It was based on Cunningham’s book, is 19’ X 22" - rather high volume, but it allows me to do self rescues, pushups on the deck, etc., without sinking the stern with my 190 lbs. I don’t both with a paddle float - just put Greenland paddle across the back deck and climb aboard, sitting upright on the deck, then wriggling in.

With a little practice, you can pull out of the boat and sit on the back deck, balanced with just your paddle - it’s a great way to stretch out those legs. I’ve paddled three hours or so at a time in this boat, with one or two of these stretch sessions on the water.

For storage, I can put several small dry bags in back of the seat, and can pull a tapered dry bag into the bow, with the a line system installed befor skinning the boat. I use these lines to pull the float bags in when I’m using them.

My next step is to make a sea sock - it will improve safety greatly on challenging waters. On the otherhand, I find rolling the SOF so easy and reliable, that I don’t often use floatation, at least on our inland rivers and lakes.

I really love the feel of the Greenland boat - it’s only moderately fast, and takes some work to turn at 19’, but it’s my boat of choice - have a Chessie 17 and a baidarka SOF.


As I get more and more interested and involved in the greenland style of paddling I am also looking at the Aleutian baidarkas. Fascinating boats.


Me too.
Especially when my paddling buddies are all talking about long open water trips for next season. Wouldn’t mind something with speed and volume.

You don’t need any more speed.
I might have to secretly attach a drogue to you just to keep up! Oops, not much of a secret now.

FBO & talk tyo Joel, or email him there. He takes the shop baidarka out, and maybe he’ll give you a go in it. He volunteered it to me, but I’m fearful that I’ll put a hole in it in my klutziness. Besides, dunno if my fat a$$ will even make inside the cockpit opening, so that I’d even have half a chance to use it to


-Frank in Miami

Pete Strands kayaks…
Just saw one of his black beauties enter the water for the first time. Pete does an extraordinarily beautiful job.

I was taking some GP lessons from Cheri Perry and Turner Wilson up here in CT. Also saw Cheri’s Strand boat…now THAT is low volume!



when I get back from Raleigh I plan on trying ont that boat. I had already asked Frank if I could. I want to bring ny sof down there and do a side by side paddle


Black Beauty
I ordered my sof from Peter after seeing the boat that Alex aka schizopak had which is exactly the same size as Cheri’s.

Mine will be a bit higher volume but the priorities were rolling and speed. At most this may be a day tripper with very minimal gear. (seeing how I can lose another 8 lbs to beable to carry another gallon of water! hehe)

am out of town for the holidays but the boat should be there just about the time we get back.


Peter Strand
I have gotten a few e-mails asking about Peter strand

Do a google for his website but send him an e-mail or call him as his form page doesn’t work very well.

Very knowledgeable guy with lots of patience even for newbies like me.

His prices are excellent, and according to those that I would consider experts,his quality is very very hard to beat.

I will give a first hand account within the next week or so.



Disclaimer: Not an endorsement since I haven’t seen one (yet) - and real qajaqs are built by their paddlers!!! :wink:

I am shooting for having my frame done today (stringers took a little longer than planned as I spent a lot of time just eyeballing things - and I’ve decided to add floorboards and possibly a day hatch…), so we may end up with our SOF done at about the same time - or at least mine not too far after. Mine of course will be noticeably different:

“Very knowledgeable guy with lots of patience even for newbies like me.”

Peter’s got me there! I’m my own worst customer!

“His prices are excellent”

Well, my hourly labor rate is pretty decent on this one - which is a good thing as long as it’s taking me! Material costs creeping up but not too bad. Tools have been another story…

“according to those that I would consider experts, his quality is very very hard to beat.”

He’s definitely got me there! Fortunately I have no way to rate my “quality” or lack thereof. I’ll leave that to others. Good or bad I will always see the never ending compromises of SOF process. One thing I can guarantee mine will be heavier! Bigger and more components.

Proof’s in the paddling - so that concerns me more than anything.

“I will give a first hand account within the next week or so.”

Look forward to it. Don’t know if you’ll be able to fit mine or not. It should have plenty of volume but footrest will be short for you. It will be designed so you can slip toes past it though (I’ll be able to stretch, sort of, and handy for trickier rolls I hear…).

FYI - No Akuilisaq yet - Priority Mail no doubt running slow due to Holiday load.

says who?
some people prefer to build. others prefer to paddle.


merry xmas grinch


inseam and other dimensions
mine is being built with a 32 inch inseam

I had to give him lots of other dimensions also!

How/why are you putting in a day hatch? floorboards? How come? Not enough ribs to support you ? he he!

your boat will be about a foot longer than mine but it sounds as if it is going to be a lot heavier. Mine should come in at under 28 lbs but will probably be a lot more delicate

Either way it will be great to paddle together and put tle boots through their paces.

Paul I .

Old Inuit saying
Something to the effect that: If a hunter did not return - it was not his qajaq.

That has more to do with fit than who built it though.

But regarding fit I have been in and on and around my boat to the point that it is more an extension of me that a separate object. I did not take a few measures and commence to build as I don’t have the benefit of multiple build knowledge like Peter (heck - I’ve never even been in a SOF and only seen two briefly). I took them several different ways and several different times and laid it out on paper to visualize and still found myself adjusting much of it along the way. It would have been OK as planned - but nice to be able to fine tune even more. Almost done and I’m still measuring (though not alway with numbers).

This may sound stupid but it has been more like giving form to a strange being pulled from a dream and slowly breathing life into it than a woodworking project. We definitely share the same blood type L. It has taken on some more spirit now the the hull is done, masik and knee brace on, and deck finishing up. (foredeck the remaining decision area - hatch or no hatch being the main sticking point/time waster now. Might as well do the aft deck stringers while I figure it out.

Even though much changed during construction it’s funny how close it has stayed to what I had planned. In all cases of deviation - it appears the wood knows best.

Hull ended up a little rounder and deeper (no doubt due to my limited bending skills) - but I never was 100% set on cross sections and figured on doing much there by eye. It’s initial stability may be a hair more tender than planned - but may be faster as a trade-off. Max beam dead on at 48cm. Length looks to be about 8mm short which it about 1/10 of 1% off. I can live with that. Rocker - the biggest question area - ended up almost dead on the drawing - 3" forward, and 2 to 2 1/2" aft depending on where you measure (has a slight skeg effect back there). Skinning may alter things a hair too.

Sorry to ramble - needed a break - but running out of daylight - again! Oiling and photos may have to wait for tomorrow - or more likely Monday as I definitely owe Kim a day without any qajaq time!