Do not argue with your wife while

glad you’re ok
Chainsaw are frickin’ dangerous! The original chainsaw was a hand crank model that was designed for cutting through bone. Then some german guy name stihl thought it would be great to cut wood and he attached a motor to it. It’s a nice reality check to remember that that tool you’re using was orignally designed to cut off limbs!

I bet if someone invented the chainsaw today you would have to be licensed to use it or they wouldn’t let them be produced.

I always wear chaps, gloves, glasses and a face shield. I also always allow much more time than the job will require.

I knew someone who said “face mask? ha” and looked at me like I was crazy. A few weeks later he got the blade jammed in a tree, stalled the saw, and yanked on it. The non-moving blade hit him in the face. He needed stitches on his chin and he cracked a tooth. He quickly bought a face shield.

Electric Saw
I was doing a side job with my then carpenter boyfriend. He showed me how to use the saw to cut wood and mentioned to avoid cutting the saw’s electric cord. During his demonstration…you guessed it, he cut the cord. It killed me, but I said NOTHING. He was angry at himself. I really wanted to LMAO, but he was paying me good money to do carpentry w/him.


Like the turtle catcher someone
posted who had his front teeth knocked out by a chain saw.He had lips,so my guess is it wasn’t running.

Arguing with a woman…
is like wrestling a hog in the mud.

You just ain’t gonna win, and after a time you realize the hog is enjoying every minute of it.

Best just go paddlin’.


Tom, I would be REAL careful with
that analogy.

…Plenty of Time on the water now!!!
Hey string,

…Guess that does it for yahdwork this spring!!

I spent almost all day on yard and
house work.Yeah, it hurts, but what doesn’t.

I gotta jump in…
Invest in the gear the guys mentioned above, and watch the videos. Always have respect for the dangerous thing you are doing. I was working as a firefighter a few years back and took the chainsaw course to get the edge on the other girls. Some of the guys in the class acted extra macho and didn’t take their safety to heart. Our first fire out me and one of the more confident guys got sent to do some cutting. He bounced into the woods, cutting all willy-nilly. I stood around looking at my victims (the trees) for 5 minutes before even starting my saw. Guess who cut open his leg?

Another note… your wife SHOULD NOT have even been close enough for you to even hear her. She should not be wandering around a cutting area. Next time tell her to back off until you’re done your job.

Sorry for the rant…
but this post freaked me out. Glad it’s just your toe.

“Some of the guys in the class acted extra macho and didn’t take their safety to heart”

Doncha know that all males are born with the genes needed for operating power tools? No additional training needed.

PPE is for girly men.


Wait a minute…does that make me a Girly Man?

bushgirl, one reason she was
’communicating ’ with me is that she walked under that limb and started studying it while it was hanging by a thread. I yelled at her to get the hell out of there;scared me to death.

and then she got mad.

lol @ Jsaults

man string… sorry… but I kinda wanna give your wife one upside the head right now.

She lives with me.
That is about as much upside the head as anyone should ever need.