sea kayak paddles? Looking at the “sea blade”. I let someone in my paddle group try my Werner Camano paddle and she had a sorta heavy walden wooden paddle. I really liked the feel of the wood in my hand and it was the quietest paddle i have used. So i am looking for wood, but really light weight and have some info. on the Mitchell’s paddles and wondered if any pnetter’s were using them and your thoughts. I know a lot of you are going to say what about GP …not ruling that out either.Just looking for info.
very nice paddles and company
I have a Horizon (GP) and have tried the carbon/wood Black Magic. Both very well made and finished. Both very smooth and quiet. They are in Canaan, NH and might just let you try some models to se what suits. They also have some discounts on website. They have always been very prompt and generous to my inquires by phone and email.
Thanks…I see a trip on the horizon.
great company
Looked at the Horizon for my first GP and Pete was great answering all my questions. Turns out it was a bit heavy for me but sure liked the multiple woods & the overall looks.
Seen other paddlers (mostly Greenland, a couple Euro) by Mitchell and they feel as nice as they look.
I have the Mitchell Coastal paddle
This is no longer on the website but I’m sure they’ll still make it. It’s a “semi GP” with very long blades in the shape of a shallow diamond.
They made me a custom GP before they had their current product on the market, but I returned it because they got the dimensions wrong.
I also own many of their white and flat water canoe paddles.
High quality, but not the lightest wood paddles.
Black Magic
A nice wood handle but lightweight blades, feels light due to low “swing weight”. I’ve used one of these for several years. Don’t think I’d want to have the weight of a completely wooden paddle.
This paddle is also very quiet and has a solid-feeling catch.
Consider that they are one-piece so there isn’t a good way to safely stow one on the boat should you want to switch to something else while under way.
Use them and like them.
I started off with Mitchell OC-1 paddles in the late 70s (complete with SS tip protectors!).
I purchased a Horizon GP maybe 5 or 6 years ago. This paddle is not of the heavier, earlier design, but the one with the multitude of lamonations. A very sweet paddle.
Several years ago I bought a Bell VooDoo, basically a Mitchell CF&spruce/ash bendie with Bell decals. It has a smooth catch, is quiet when I am a careful paddler, and has the fine feel of a wood shaft.
Never tried a Black Magic, but if it has the qualities of the other Mitchells I have used it will be a fine paddle.
Well, at 38 oz it better …
... have some other qualities to redeem itself. That is on the heavy side, IMO. For that reason, I would not pick a paddle like that just for the wood feel over something like a Werner Cyprus at nearly half the weight.
At the risk of stirring some emotion, I'd ask what is it with "feel of wood" that is so important???
A nicely made carbon/composite shaft/paddle IMO feels every bit as good as wood to me: flex can be dialed-in to match your needs, it keeps you just as warm during the cold months, it can be made just as quiet as wood when in use, it is typically lighter and stronger.
The only negative over wood I can see are cost and one can't recycle it. But they should last a lifetime and are reparable ... As for aesthetics - beauty is in the eye of the beholder so I'd leave that out of the equation -;)
Different strokes…nm
See you on the water,
(me with a Black Magic usually)
The River Connection, Inc.
Hyde Park, NY
Like Marshall said
Composite boats vs wood & canvas.
Wood & canvas vs birchbark.
Birchbark vs SOF.
Modern SOF vs traditional SOF.
Laminated paddles vs solid wood.
Composites vs "natural" materials.
Some will argue and argue over these points. Some are inflexible over their preferences.
Others use what they use because they like the "feel". I say, if it pleases you, do it as long as it injures nobody else. I find wood paddles to be personally "pleasing". That is all the information input I need.
not sure what it was about a wood
paddle…other than it was so much quieter than my werner camano. just felt good. can’t explain. doesn’t mean i would never use my other paddle…just be a nice addition to ever growing collection.
Yeah, noise with the Camano was one of the reasons I wanted to try something different. There are a couple good reviews of the Black Magic (can be found by google) that noted how quiet it was. It is.
Oval shaft
I also have and like the Black Magic. The oval cross section of the shaft is more pronounced than many touring paddles, making it easier to control with wet hands, and to find proper angle in a rolling situation.
My wife and I both use Mitchell GP paddles.
Hers’ is much lighter than mine.
Whereas mine is much stronger than the one she has.
We keep the Werner Carbon paddles as spares…they see little or no use these days.
When paddling multi day trips with a friend who uses a Werner paddle he said “I must admit yours won’t break as easily as mine” a pretty big consideration when your out there in the 'boonies…"
He loves the light weight of his paddle and for the most part he can keep up pretty good with it.
Black Magic
My favorite paddle as well. Just an awesome feel. I purchased a 212cm from the blem barrel 6 years ago and it is still going strong.
I posted yesterday in defense of this great little company but my post seems to be deleted???
all-wood Mitchell is my favorite
I have plastic, fiberglass, and all-carbon paddles to use. I just most often found myself going for the sea blade. A few years after my first sea blade I called and had them custom make a paddle for me, very similar to the sea blade, and it became my favorite. I’ve used and preferred them for everything - long paddles (20 to 40 miles in a day), playing in surf, even racing. My paddles are well-used and still solid and ready to go. Well-made, durable, for me different strokes just seem to flow together very easily and naturally. They’ve always been great to deal with for me. Obviously I’m a big fan.
I need to try a Black Magic one day.