Does the paddle shaft recess on P&H boats facilitate paddle float re-entries with Greenland paddles?

I’m assuming it works well for round loom paddles, but I wonder if a GP could be secured in that position.

Which model?

Well…the plastic Virgos, the Leo. The description of the Volan says it has it but I don’t see it in the picture on their website.

“The degree to which” maybe depends, but I would say with anything close to normal. the answer is yes. Whatever roundness is going to recess into that slot to some degree. A little bigger than the groove would probably feel more secure than much smaller than the groove, as touching the paddle on both edges at the top of the groove in the kayak I imagine will feel a bit more secure than just touching the edge at the bottom of the groove. But either way will feel much more secured in place than just a flat surface. That type of groove works just fine for my Greenland paddle in a couple of my kayaks. That said, that is a paddle float re-entry without securing the paddle to the back deck - just holding it in place with your hand - which is entirely possible. But if you need a little more assistance than that, then it may be in your best interest in that situation to secure it under the deck lines anyway.

Perhaps this helps on the Virgos. Here is a shaft on the aft deck of an MV. The LV above it is much the same. I’m sold out of Volans at the moment so can’t help with real photos on that till April.

See you on the water,
Marshall Seddon
The River Connection, Inc.
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Hyde Park, NY. 12538
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Thanks everyone! I certainly don’t need a new boat but if I do get another, the P&H’s have been catching my eye. And I do like that paddle recess. I find paddle float re-entries to be difficult in my current boat as the paddle finds it easier to rotate across the deck (taking it parallel to the hull) to stay above water rather than prevent the boat from rotating in the first place. Maybe I should deflate my float a bit. Anyway, I think a flatter rear deck would help, along with the recess.

Is there a reason you can’t use deck lines? It does add the extra step of removing the paddle once you are in, but if you struggle with the reentry that seems like a fair tradeoff to hypothermia or worse. A paddle float reentry roll might be even better, but I’m guessing you’ve probably considered that not a viable option.