Dumbest Kayak Product Nominations

didn’t you forget a few?

elf shoe boats

W-Kayak from Wave Walk
It was obvious after reading your profile and your criticism of the Wave Walk Kayak that you have not tried the W-kayak, and that your elitist attitude will prevent you from trying it. I have been considering purchasing a W-Kayak to to expand my fishing experience. (my kids college bills have prevented me from doing so) It appears to be a very stable platform to fish from…have you ever tried casting a fly line from a sitting position?

Also, the ergonomics of the W-Kayak seem more favorable for persons who may have back problems (like me), but would still like to enjoy the same outdoor experience you do (like me).

And, if I read the data on the WaveWalk website correctly, the w-kayak seems to rival the speed and stability of a traditional kayak.

So don’t be so quick to judge, unless you have something more than a flippant comment.

Fishing Platform may be good use 4 it
I still think the W-Kayak is friggin’ goofy as a sea kayak. They are marketing it as a sea kayak, aren’t they? I still chuckle at the video of the googan trying to surf in it.

However, it may very well make a fine casting platform for fishing. Its got to be better than those inner tube/hip waders some guys fish from. I think that may be a good market for it. They should add live wells, beer cooler, cup holders, rod holders, fish box, tackle box, etc…Pehaps make a camo colored model for duck hunting.

Fishing specific kayaks are a fast gowing segment of the market. Maybe the W-Kayak should focus on that market.

I will still have a pretty good laugh if I ever see one on the water, fishing or not.

Not a kayak at all - shouldn’t try to be
Lot’s of uses for it, but as long as they keep selling it as a kayak - it will be compared and critiqued as a kayak - and will seem goofy indeed.

There’s no reason to compare and sell it as they are. A simple focus on features/benefits without all the performance and comparison BS would make more sense.

Looks like a better poling than paddling platform to me. Trolling motor would be good too.

As for speed/performance, I’d race one of my kayaks against one any day - and I’m no racer.