Dying of hypothermia knowing you were stupid! Important lessons

They probably justify it by having them sign waivers.

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@kdogg788, dunno, just dunno! Perception is reality! Despite having credible training in a certain area, I find myself disagreeing with those who are untrained. At some point, its best to nod and wink, then move on. Who am I to judge, after all, it’s just my opinion.

That daughter and her husband went out kayaking with me once; I believe it may have been too stressful? Yet they had the skill and the opportunity to navigate icebergs, as well as similar outfitter kayak trips. Who am I to judge?!

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Perception is real, but it isn’t reality until supported by sufficient factual information.

@Buffalo_Alice you are correct. However, if you were blindfolded, we could go through a series of experiments to test the assertions. If I sprayed you with water from a garden hose but told you it was raining, would it matter. You wouldn’t know the difference. One truth, but does it matter whether you’re aware of the water source. Would your perception change if I played a recorded crash of thunder while in an open field or if we were in a house. Same scenario. Would it matter if I wet my hand and shook the water off my hand against your face while sneezing. Would it matter - the same truth. Eat a piece of celery while smelling an onion. How about comparing a 14 ft boat that weighs 53 lbs and a 17 ft boat that weighs 57 lbs. Is the 17 ft boat slowed by more wetted surface. Then what happens with a 17 ft boat that weighs 43 lbs because its made of kevlar. That’s 14 lbs less than the 57 lb boat (1.2 gallons less displacement). Still at 17 ft, compare an Olympic racer at 17 ft .7 in, 20 in wide, weighing 26.4 lbs. Does the length slow it or would it be faster at 14 ft long and 25.5 inches.

Then I’m not sure this is the right thread for woke theory, but I think dark thoughts when I’m alone and in the dark . . . Where’d the sun come from . . . What time is it?

You’re making my head hurt!
For me, wokeness comes around every day about dawn. With coffee.


Good idea. Coffee is truth. It fixes everything.

The “one-eyed man is king” and knows it’s an elephant. Unless, he doesn’t know what an elephant is.

Things to remember

Unless you are religious and believe in an Afterlife :blush::+1:t3:

I’m not saving myself for the nursing home, just saying. For me, when I finally make that last stupid miscalculation, I will say “ok God, I guess this is how it’s going to be, but it was amazing!”
I’m only human, it’s bound to happen eventually.
I will consider being a hundred years old in a nursing home with the State draining my accounts a “fail” :laughing:

Death is how it ends for everyone, the only thing is to decide how you want to live.


(Which doesn’t mean try and be stupid. BUT the safetyism sedentary culture is killing more of
our American kids than no life jackets. It makes me so sad to see how unhealthy todays kids are and how they are taught to be afraid of everything. My kids came home from preschool with “Beware of Killer Bees” stickers on their lunch boxes! Grrr


Then there is this, and whether it is a good idea for the planet or not it seems we may actually be able to reverse the effects of human aging sometime in the near future. I have to wonder how that would change human behavior if at all.

Scientists reversed aging in mice: Is it possible in humans? (medicalnewstoday.com)


Because they’re standing up how could they drown that far off the water.

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It might not be a stupid miscalculation that brings the curtain down. Even the best decisions have a small margin of error. Sometimes you spin the wheel and it comes up 00. No fault, no foul. It just happens.


Part of dying is realizing the new parts are no longer available and the realization that you’ve enjoyed as much of this as you can stand :<[

Then somebody comes up with a longer life. Most people would wait to do all the great thing. Then many would avoid dangerous things that coukd possible end a long existence . . .

Play the cards were delt. Some busy body thinks there are too many people on earth now. Next they’ll want a lottery to decide who has to go for the good of the rest. I was in one of those lotteries in 1971. I won, and fortunately I’m happy it didn’t result in me being removed from the gene pool.

I’m happy the way it works. When parts stop working or hurt too much, I find an alternative. When I run out of alternatives, I’ll reconsider what I think about . . . What are thinking of doing . . . ?

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See what I mean. Somebody came uo with the bright idea that we should block the sun. That ought to work out well.

Did somebody mention Killer Bees. See did that turn out.

Live forever . . . Sure! How much will it cost. You’ll never see the gates of heaven . . .

Naaahhh! Who would do that . . .

Maybe they could play around with viruses or save the trees. That could save millions. Where’s my television clikee thing. Hey. How about a fast forward thing to skip . . .

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As one gets older you can afford to take
more chances because you have fewer years of life to lose (and hopefully no financial dependents)
My flight instructor died with her husband in a fiery crash into the side of a mountain in Idaho and she was 85 and he was 87. My first thought was that they died doing what they loved and didn’t end up separated in long term care facilities with dementia or cancer. RIP Tookie and Don.

Correction: 80, 84

My MIL is always saying to please set her outside in the snow and she is serious.


Fascinating/scary story. Here’s a key takeaway, other than “don’t be stupid.”

“My phone was dead from the initial water impact,”

If that isn’t a wake up call for everyone counting on their phone as their primary emergency rescue tool…


An interesting outlook on aging, that’s for sure. Seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy to take more risk as time increasingly (and inevitably) takes its toll on physical strength, mental acuity, reaction time and recuperative capacity.

It is very warm airwise right now but the pacific ocean not so much

So…How does a person KNOW how many years of life they have left ? {that they are gambling} So that they can increase the stupid.