Pondering various design elements a side question occurred:
How is edging/leaning affected by whether the hull is fishform, symmetrical, or swedeform?
The waterline shortens with all, but how much of each end is affected varies. Since cockpit location varies as well - maybe I’m really asking about the impact of where the widest point is in relation to both the ends AND the paddler (side rocker).
I have some idea based on paddling different hulls and a decent 3D imagination - and of course there are other variables - but just looking for other’s impressions & thoughts.
Looking at dabbling in design/building. I like swedeform hulls for many reasons, but don’t want to overlook a potential handling bonus. Considering something long and fast (not only parameter) - so swede is logical - but being able to break those ends loose with optimized degree of balance and control could be handy on a longer hull. If I go narrow - it may not really matter much anyway - but I still envision a lot more curve to the gunwales than the keel.
However the QCC700 is
thats how I would do it… LOL
However the Tempest is…
how WE did it. :-))))
There is a buttload of choices in how you do it and each choice is going to give you a different performance curve (pun intended)
IMHO—>when we did the T we wanted the wide point (beam) to be at the knee. fwd enough to be pro-active and just where you can easily control. then the rest of the boat can follow thru the carve the knee is making/pushing. balanced amount of boat fore and aft of the wide point.
with Swede the carve is happening behind your butt cheek, IMO, too late and there is alot of boat out in front of this curve to control. more out of balance, overall.
and think about paddling in reverse. Is it WAY outta balance now?
with a radically shaped swede and short stern section you can get the hull to fall into a very asymetric shape as it is edged and the hull will actually ‘pull’ or turn when edged. ie; Mariner. some like this aspect of design. Personally I want balance and neutral on edge.
this is all based on the T-design fitting a all 'round vessel, NOT a RACE boat.
just 2 centavos!
So THAT"S Why…
I stayed upright while falling down backwards from that big standing wave in Beaufort Inlet! Thanks Steve. I owe you one.
for point of interest
edging and turning with rudder strokes works somewhat based on an undefined point around the cockpit.
With fish form or symmetrical kayaks this is somewhat forward of the cockpit or along side it. So if you were going to perform side-sculling you will quickly realize where the most neutral part of the kayak is along the cockpit.
Personally I would prefer neutral or fishform so that I can define my turns ahead of myself rather than behind.
Swedeform would not be my choice for an easy playful kayak to paddle. But if you were going for long and fast with straight tracking, swede may have it’s advantages.
Just quessing
What if it were a Swede hull, but the rocker starts well back towards the cockpit so when the boat is on edge its’ footprint in the water at that time would appear to be a more symetrical shape in the water like some of the old school white water hulls?
Bob and I both really enjoy back surfing so…it was an important design criteria that the T be well versed in reverse!
I do reverse manouvers nearly as often as fwd. try a reverse side slip for fun.
glad you’re liking her!