Definately Explorer LV
For a paddler your size an Explorer LV might be perfect for your uses.
I would also suggest you try a Nordkapp LV and an Aquanaut LV.
I am familiar with what people
tote as the advantages of the nordkapp and explorer but what about this aquanaut, I am not familiar with anyone who uses one…
Nordkapp LV - 17 foot 6 inches (533 cm) long, 21 inches (53 cm) wide,depth 13 inches (33 cm)(49 pounds)
Aquanaut LV - 17 foot 7 inches (536 cm) long, 21 1/2 inches (55 cm) wide, 12 1/2 inches (32 cm) deep (49 pounds)
Aquanaut seems to have a little more rocker (seems to me) Nordkapp is a little faster (seems to me)
P&H Quest LV
P&H apparently has an LV Quest on the way–this is a great boat, but much to large for anyone under 175 pounds or tall and skinny without extensive outfitting. If it handles as well as the standard Quest, the LV version should be a spectacular addition.
13" foredeck is LV!!!
Geez, my Q700 (supposedly HV according to Brit boaters) has a 12" front deck.
Those measurements right?
I have a hard time visualizing a 13" foredeck to be classified as a low volume boat though
I was told at my size, a valley pintail might be a nice choice for me. I am used to paddling a beam of 20", and i find 22 to be really large and heavy on the hips…
I took those figures off the 2006 PDF brochere
and if you go to P & H and look at their brochere you only see max height on their boats and the sirious is listed at 14 inches (35.5 cm)these figures are ment to compare boats of the same brand not knowing where the measurements are taken. inside or outside....the Bahiya is listed at 13 inches and so is the Vela and the Quest at 14 1/2 (37 cm)
QCC doesn't even list their heights, neither does NDK
Advocete is listed at 13 inches (33 cm)Anas Acuta 11 1/2 inches and the Pintail 12 inches, the Q boat at 13 inches
LV Quest
Only saw the LV quest in the most recent issue of Paddler–haven’t actually paddled it and at least I can’t find specs on the web. According to Paddler, width is something like 1.5 inches narrower and volume a bit lower than standard Quest. I really like the Quest, but had to do extensive cockpit modification to make it suitable for my 6 foot 165 pound frame, and I rarely paddle it unloaded as it isn’t a particulary good day boat for someone my size. Be interesting to see the reviews of the LV–good to have more options. My other boat is a Pintail, which I love for surfing and poking around, and I have an Outer Island on order for fast long day trips and fitness paddline. Sometimes I think I should have just stayed with an Explorer–one boat for everything.
I agree tha a 22 inch wide boat is rather wide in most cases…The Pintail doesn’t feel 22 inches wide . Ive never measured mine, but it doesn’t even paddle like it’s 22, feels a lot like the Anas Acuta does and it’s supost to be 20.5
The Pintail is not a expedition boat, so didn’t figure that it would interest you by the spec’s you gave…just curious, but why change from a Sirious, it’s a very capable boat
Boat conumdrums
The truthful and tragic story behind having to switch from the Sirius, is that the outfitter I had been guiding for the past five years, would not sell the boat to me when I left, therefore I had to leave it behind, and now do not have a boat at all. After speaking with some outfits around Canada and the US, I came across some decently priced boats, and having a hard time selecting one over the other. Dont get me wrong, if I could find a sirius and get one again, my problems would be over.
The boat list I found:
- P&H Bahiya (used) 2000 cdn
- VCP Nordkapp H20 2600 cdn used
- VCP Pintail used 2000 cdn
The sirius really felt nice to me, and I was totally comfortable in it, with reliable rolls, edging, and boat control. COuld even stand on the back deck of it. God I loved that boat. Maybe you can see my cunumdrum?
Jim, standing at five foot six inches and weighing only 135 pounds…selection of a new boat is difficult at best.
Should be alot of them out there…If it and you are so matched, then don’t settle for anything else…each of us is matched to a few boats and those are the ones we eventually get around to owning, once we find them…call a few reps…they will find you a boat (sirious)(pun intended)
Carbon Pintail
Tom and June had a all black carbon Pintail with Ocean cockpit at MIKCO in Portland, Maine. I would recommend this boat if still avail, as its used and all black with metal flake. It was June’s boat I heard.
p&h sirius
so the best bet is to just send out as many emails as possible and try to find a sirius? hey, if any one reading this post knows of a sirius on this continent or another continent, please let me know
you could buy a new Sirius
from MEC and pay 4000 plus our wonderful Canadian taxes of 15%. hey that’s only $4600! sometimes it amazes me that we have an economy at all in this country…
taxed to death.
yes i am entertaining purchasing
a new one…
4600 ey? Hmm…
Foredeck heights etc…
Depends on how you measure.
Sea Kayaker measures inside height at coaming and gets 11.5" for the standard Aquanaut and 12.5" for the Nordkapp H2O. I would imagine the LVs have lower decks. For comparison SK measured 12.5" for the Sirius and 13.75" for the Quest.
I’ve seen no independant tests/figures for the LV versions, but SK found that the Aquanaut has a longer narrower waterline than the Nordkapp H2O and produces less drag at higher speeds.
LOA & WOA only hint at waterline length and beam.
You Need Two Boats
You need a day tripper boat and an expedition boat. You know I’m right. Try the Tempest 165 as a day boat. I don’t know nuthin’ about big movin’ van boats, but I’m 5’9" and about 160 pounds and the T165 feels great.
As A Smaller Guy…
and someone who (in my not so humble opinion) is in decent shape, I find that a boat much longer than 17’ is bit more extra than I want to paddle over the long haul. You have a greater theoretical hull speed but that much more for a smaller horse to push. For example, I go much longer and with more average speed in my 17’x18" SOF than I do in my 17.5"x20" Greenland style S&G. I don’t have as much resistance to overcome.
If I were looking for a “faster” expedition boat, I would probably go with something in the 17-17.5’ range with a less rockered keel in the 20-21" beam category.
Sirius Available at NESC in Mass.
Since I am toying with the thought of buying one I hate to let the cat out of the bag so to speak, but New England Small Craft in Rowley, Mass. has perhaps the only Sirius boats left in the US. They have a S model without a skeg and at least one M model. Nice folks, good prices.
Seaward Cosma is the one Jim!!
No doubt in my mind Jim that the Seaward Cosma is the kayak for you!!! Its nice and wide(23.5) to help you get into more advanced conditions(tidal Bores) and I happen to know of one for sale!! Its in great shape.
On a more serious note Jim I would think most any of the kayaks you are talking about are great for you. You are a very skilled kayaker and I am sure you will be great in any of those. I am still a little shocked that you would even consider looking at any kayak other then a P&H but hey we do what we gotta do.
Send some dam pics will yah!!!