Excellent customer service

I feel the need to mention the excellent customer service received from Duckworks BoatBuilders Supply.

I placed an order with them last Saturday, some outfitting stuff and rudder-control Seadog footbraces, to replace the slider-style in my friends kayak.

Received tracking info on Sunday, box was on the porch Thursday after work. Opened it up - oops, they shipped the standard footbraces. Sent an e-mail asking about returning the wrong ones - had a response within the hour! They shipped me the right ones, express, so I’d have them for the weekend. Also sent a pre-paid return label to send back the standard foot braces sent in error.

They really went out of their way to make sure I got what I wanted, in time, and trusted me to send back their stuff. I did the install today, boat will be ready when she returns to town tomorrow.

If you’ve never shopped there, they have some neat items.


hey thanks , checked it out …
… stuck in favs. for awhile , had some neat items available .

We need a vendor…
… hall of shame/fame area in the review section!

Glad they
had a good return policy… but

Is it that difficult to ship what the customer ordered the first time?

You never made a mistake?
stuff happens. what is more important is that they have an excellent rep and this just another reason why.


I get alot of items from them. they are great.

I mentioned

– Last Updated: Jun-02-09 11:34 AM EST –

they had a good return policy.

This isn't my mistake.. I'm just making an observation about a situation that was posted to a public discussion.. no reason to make this personal..

Sign of the times. I'm astonished with the percentage of merchandise that arrives defective, wasn't shipped, wasn't ordered after I pay for it, missing parts, or UPS delivers it to the wrong house.

Today, I'll be returning a pair of bike peddles and toe clips that I bought on Saturday. The first time out two screws came out that connect the clips to the peddles.

it’s a true test of good
customer service when things go wrong, no matter

who or what the cause.

Computers, automated answer lines, and online order sites can’t make it right the way a friendly

focused rep can.

North Shore (British)

– Last Updated: Jun-02-09 3:06 PM EST –

ah, apologies, I've now reposted under the right thread about kayak manufacturers...

Have had -0- probs w. my North Shore kayak, which will be 13 years old this July, still beautiful, rugged and a pleasure to paddle.

Ditto Duckworks Boat Builders

– Last Updated: Jun-03-09 7:06 PM EST –

Over the winter of 2007, I retro-fitted a set of Sea Dogs pivoting rudder control foot braces to my Enlightned Kayaks T-16.

Unfortunately I ended up being a beta test site for the just introduced Sea Dogs system’s teething troubles, and without the above-and-beyond-the-call-of-duty interventions of Chuck Leinweber of Duckworks Boat Builders with the manufacturer, I would probably still not have a rudder system I could trust.

In boating and in life in general, only when there are problems, do you learn who you are really dealing with.

Thanks again Chuck!
