Exploring other winter glove options

I live in Hampton Roads, Virginia.
Accuweather.com said humidity was 52%.

I had these gloves on on a day in the low thirties, blustery wind, 15-20 mph and very high humidity ( I don’t remember the exact number, I think it was in the 80s)/

on a bike ride up on a bike path on top of a levee next to Lake Pontchatrain in New Orleans and my hands were so painful I had trouble getting in and it started early in the bike ride. Why I did not turn around I do not know, wanted to finish the ride. When I got in, I had to rum warm water over my hands to relieve the pain. The humidity is all I can think of but I had similar humidity to you the other day, 57%. They just don’t seem to work for me, are you satisfied with them? A silk liner seems to help. That is all I can say.

For paddling, I like the dexterity of the 2mm GBPC gloves, admittedly I usually switch to NRS Mavericks when paddling at temps below about 40. The extra thickness is beneficial, but the Mavericks are less conducive to blood flow and less comfortable even a size bigger than recommended.
I’ll get some wool liners for the GBPC gloves and see if they are frost-worthy.
Perhaps, the constant finger grip-release action areound the paddle shaft helps with blood flow, where the more or less fixed grip on the bike handles does not. Do hope you find a combination that helps you out.

I personally don’t know anything about these gloves, let alone have owned one, but I Emailed Dashstein Gloves if they made a fingered glove that would be suitable to be used as a liner underneath a waterproof glove and this is what I got back from Richard Vogt at Dashstein.

If you need a thin liner try these. I have a pair of Glacier Perfect Curves that fit rather snugly and I was able to get them on over this liner without too much trouble. Might help, have not used them in severe weather yet.

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I’ve been using the Kosi Pogies, and they are pretty good IF I can keep my hands dry. The other day, we were out there with temps around 30, but some decent wind. I brought my NRS 0.5 Hydroskin gloves to wear under the pogies. Weird thing is, they made my hands colder (and it wasn’t due to sweating). My fingertips were noticeably colder with them on. So, I took off the gloves and paddle bare handed under the pogies. It was definitely better. Part of it might be my bare hands warming the paddle shaft. I think neoprene gloves just basically suck unless your submerged. All the neoprene gloves I’ve tried don’t keep my hands warm at all.

Maybe I just need a lightweight wool glove to wear under the pogies when it’s really cold? My friend bought some heated gloves that he likes, but they’re like 150 bucks.