Fall paddling in the Adirondacks--favorite locations and outfitters?

What are people’s favorite spots? I will be up in the Lake Placid area for much of October and hoping to get as much paddling done as possible. I won’t have a kayak up there, so also was looking to see if there were any good outfitters to rent either for a couple days or possibly for a couple week period and also any that offered instruction. I was hoping to practice a bit more on my self-rescues and even perhaps rolling!

Thanks for any tips!

St Regis Canoe Outfitters rents sea kayaks in Saranac Lake. You will want to avoid portages so stick to Middle and Lower Saranac. 45 min from Lake Placid gives you Cranberry Lake. All three are good size
Adirondack Lakes and Trails is also in Saranac Lakes and rents sea kayaks. You will need to call ahead.
Instruction: you will have to ask. It is coming on winter; already snow is in the air( but no ice over)

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Isn’t it going to be pretty cold up there for rolling?

I’ve used Raquette River outfitters a few times, always with good experiences

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Sounds like it might be :cry: I have a dry suit and coldwater gear but it sounds like if snow it might be too cold in general. It would be great to get some instruction in coldwater conditions but not sure if any instructor would be interested

Thanks Kayamedic. Excited to check out these places!
