Fastest kayaker in the world

Whatever! Its what I prefer. I never told you how to paddle!

not telling you how to paddle itā€™s just geometry.

You asked if the longer paddle had a longer stroke and whether that would take longer time? Did you even read my post??? You like bottom line and calculations. I answered the question in the first sentence, or two: Yes and no! It can but doesnā€™t have to be.

I actually did the geometry. I explained how I use a longer paddle, isolate the shoulder using the paddlers box, how raising the angle increases speed but put more stress on the shoulder.

If you think my idea is dangerous stuff, I can delete the post. It isnā€™t a theory. Itā€™s how I paddle, and it doesnā€™t bother my shoulder! You take pain killers, I isolated the shoulder. It works for me, because Iā€™m approaching what I could do when I was only 61 yrs old. That ainā€™t fast, but its good enough for me. I offered it because it might help another person with bad shoulders. Iā€™m not trying to win a race or wallow in self pity. I just figured out how to adapt paddling to my condition.

9 paragrahs down: ā€œThis technique isnā€™t intended to increase speed.ā€

Otay .

Your a good man PaddleDog52. Donā€™t bust on me!

everyone has opinions thereā€™s no busting.

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