Get what makes you happy.
I kind of look at it like a car. If you can buy a Ferrari and flog the crap out of it on a race track more power to you. But that guy that’s on the same track as you in the little four cylinder econobox has just as big of smile on his face. It’s not about the equipment, it’s about enjoying the same pastime… And if the person in the Ferrari really is that much of a snob to look at it from a cost point of view then you have to ask why you’re out there in the first place. To show off that you spent all this money or that you enjoy what you’re doing because you’re doing it…
I am a fisherman who kayaks
And I have to say that sit-in kayaks are not a good way to go. You have lots of options. One of them is a float tube. They work really well on lakes and they are not expensive. If you want to combine lakes and slow rivers for fishing, then a pontoon boat is the way to go. If you want to fish in the ocean or the great lakes, then a fishing specific kayak is required and it will cost you a lot more than the boat you are looking at. People do fish from recreational, sit-in, kayaks. But the alternatives are much better from the fishing perspective.
I went to Dicks
They have Kayaks for $199. That is less than they charge for some of there baseball bats! They are short fat poorly designed boats that will last far longer than most of their owners will want to keep them.
But they will at least be able to get on the water and meet other paddlers who can then send them to Druminator’s excellent shop where they can get better gear.
I think Dick’s is helping paddling shops by making more paddlers.
oh Frank
You know I can’t stand a Dick’s Sporting Goods!
thanks for all the replies, I never received the information from Dicks that I was promised. I did find out that Joy Sports Co. makes them who also makes feel free kayaks, I could not get a response from anyone at that company either to tell me if they are made out of the same materials and standards as the feel free ones. I found someone on craigslist that had this kayak for sale and sent him an email about it. He said the kayak was very cheap made, said it leaks and the footpegs broke immediatly.
I think I am going to wait.
Field and Stream
I bought my son the sit in F&S Eagle Run 12. I couldn’t find any info on it either, but he loved the camo color and it was rigged for fishing! It’s very heavy, but that’s good in some respects. He’s still working on catching fish, and he’s happy about having his first boat. Good luck in your search, you will know when it’s the one!
Fishing Kayak
Look into the Perception ones too. They seem to be well built and in your price range.
Craigs list too
It doesn’t matter where you get your first boat, just get it before summer. When the water is warm enough for swimming, you’ll want to be paddling. Life is short.
Go cheap - you life is worth pennies
Buy anything that floats....regardless the cost.
Skip kayak/canoe lessons -- go cheap
No PFD vest - you want to go cheap, remember
Go play in current in with no knowledge as a novice
Play in waves and wind on anything that floats
Water Temps - who cares - My cheap t-shirt is okay
Yeah..right - Mother nature EATS cheap people and BURPS loudly - yum, yum
I found my first kayak
sure in a few days this link will be out of date
Keowee. I had enough money for a decent PFD and paddle. I stuffed styrofoam in for floatation.
I paddled that thing for two years…fourteen miles three times a week.
And had enough left to start saving for a drysuit.
What gets me is that these old boats seem to hold their value well. Mine was $300 new.
Mine did hog but you’re not supposed to leave it on the rack full of water…
Ok Willi
YOU can’t go cheap so don’t go out at all until you are fully geared up and certified. Entry price starts at about five grand.
This is why SUP may over kayaking in popularity. they keep it simple and fun with minimal gear for entry.
The guy’s talking about fishing…on calm rivers. Not bagging sharks through 30ft. waves in the middle of a snow storm…get real. Sorry people don’t want to spend the money for something obviously overkill for what THEY’RE trying to achieve…not what everyone else thinks they should be doing.
You stuffed styrofoam in for flotation? Was it leaking?
Nice post
This was very educational. Now I see that by one making a simple statement, another can take it to the entire extreme. I didn’t know that by saying someone didn’t want to spend more than $400 on a cheapie kayak that no money would be left over for a $50 PFD. Now I am aware. I also wasn’t aware that Mother Nature would capsize a craft based on price. In my previous ignorance, I had paddled a cheap kayak and cheap canoe for years without incident (albeit with much more effort).
Now I know that beginner kayaks–which I thought were built extremely wide for the sole purpose of being more stable at the cost of speed–are actually much less stable due to Mother Nature not liking cheap products.
See the problem of taking a statement and totally blowing it out of proportion? Funny thing is–it works both ways.
floatation is in short supply
in entry level rec boats.
Its far easier to empty a boat that has something in it that floats and displaces water. And has floatation in both ends.
Rec boats that needle (usually stern up) are very difficult to do a boat over boat with.
This was way before SOT mind you. I still very seldom see SOT kayaks up here. The water is currently hard and frozen over.
Ok, I get it now… Thanks!