First Camping Trip Advice

My son and I want to kayak the Santa Fe River in Florida this winter. It is our first overnight kayak trip but we are long time backpackers. We want to spend two or three nights on the river. How do you plan a trip like this? I don’t know where to look for information on camp areas, distance between camp sites, availability of camp areas, etc. I found a couple outfitters but hate to bother them when I am not going to use their services. Any help would be appreciated.


Camping the Santa Fe
I haven’t camped the area but have paddled some of it, the Itchnetucknee and the Suwannee. My first thoughts might be paddle the Suwannee instead. Im quite sure guide books are are available and typically will lay out the information on the table for you from launch to landing, second maybe pick up a Florida Atlas Gazetteer, A gazetteer will point out many launch sites, boat ramps, campsites etc. It points out many of the campsites. Nautical charts will help you further along, but still no substitute for a friendly local willing to share info.


Camping the Santa Fe
I should read other replies first. Seems the general concenus is, paddle the Suwanee and if possible make a side trip to the very short and unbelievably beautful Ichnetucknee river.
