Fishfinder questions

Looking in advance to using a fishfinder on my SOT. I am not sure just how much I would use it, as I will be on small water, but unfamiliar water, and wonder just how much difference it makes? I am NOT a tournament fisherman, just having fun and maybe a meal or two…
Don’t want a big battery type install, maybe something I can use with smaller batteries.
I have looked at some products, but it gets confusing real quick.
Appreciate any feedback…Thank you.

Don’t fish, but maybe this suggestion will help:

Type “fishfinder” in the search box at the top right corner of the page (the one with the magnifying glass icon), and you’ll see numerous threads on the topic.

After I posted I saw that some threads already existed but were sparse on details…
I then go real smart, and looked on Youtube, and lo and behold…a motherload of info and installs.

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