I have recently been on the lookout for a fishfinder and am on a budget. I have narrowed it down to these three and was wondering anyone’s thoughts. Pro’s and Con’s of either. Really interested in it as a bottom finder.
Garmin Echo 100
Hummingbird PiranhaMax 150
Lowrance x-4
Bass Pro
Call bass pro. I bet they sell all three and can help you decide. I’d lean toward the Lowrance all else being equal.
One thing to consider
A lot of cheaper LCD units feature “fish” icons instead of actual displays of how the unit “sees” objects that are not in contact with the bottom. Personally, I hate the fish pictures and wouldn’t own such a unit. I’d rather see a little blip that needs to be interpreted by me and might remain a mystery than see a big, gawdy cartoons plastered on the screen in its place. You are correct that the main purpose of the thing is to keep track of bottom topography, but to me, it’s the principle of the thing, so no cartoons for me.
For $100 I bet you can get a case of grenades. Find’em, skin’em and cook’em all in one toss.
re: depthfinder 4 sale
hello ..I have a Eagle brand Cuda 300 depthfinder.. I have been trying to sell. All i am asking is what i paid for it ... $54 when it was on sale from Bass Pro.. it's never used ...still in the factory blister pack/sealed. If U are interested in buying it, we can work out the details. I was gonna install it in a kayak then changed my mind.
then try kayakfishing.com, where the folks are far more fishing-oriented -indeed, fishing-obsessed -than on general paddling boards. I'm sure you'll get a wealth of first-hand information, possibly from references to comparison tests, and a wealth of information (overinformation?) germane to your inquiry.
Hope you come up with a good find, and may you have many hours of successful fishing -you know what that is, right? First, there's just fishin' -wetting your line. Then, well then there's catchin' -where you actually have bites and reel some of'em in... And then, finally, there's keepin' -where you've gotten fish big enough to actually legally keep if you like.
May you have all three phases working well as you
-Frank in Miami
Depth sounder
I have a pirrana max. Works great. I have used others and they worked well too.
Suggestion: Don’t get fancy when mounting the transducer. Just make a small circular dam on the floor of the boat, canoe, kayak ect. The cam can be as simple as a 1/4" high wall of masking tape or caulk. Drip some water from the paddle into the dam, 1/8" deep and then place the transducer in the puddle. This works fine through plastic, fiberglass, aluminum, etc. In a powerboat, just sit the transducer in the bilge-water. For a more permanent setup, Secure a piece of 4" PVC pipe to the deck with some sort of caulk.
The only type of constuction this won’t work with is some sort of double hull or balsa core hull.