Fishing Kayak: seeking advice

Good afternoon and thank you in advance:

I am looking to upgrade my kayak game this spring. My current float is a small recreational sit-in that is not meant for fishing.

I spend most of my time on larger creeks, rivers and the occasional still body, targeting anything that will bite! I’ve narrowed my sights on either the Nucanoe Flint, Oldtown Sportsman 120 (Paddle), Bonafide RVR119, or the Bonafide SKF117. I have a local deal for the SKF117 or RVR119, and I like the layout of the Flint and Sportsman.

I am looking for personal experience and input on this please. Anyone used them on the Ohio River, KY River, Shanondoah River, Occoquan River, creeks with a variety of strength rapids? These are places I have gone before and will try to go again.

Thank you!

I am on my 5th WS Tarpon, 3 160s and 2 140s. I’ve used them for creeks, rivers large and small , salt bays , and rapids up to Class 2. They were originally targeted to fishing ( I think) but now advertised for touring.
They come ready to be outfitted for fishing.
Just another option.

I had a Sportsman 12. Great boat on lakes very stable. Caught a lot of fish with it. Difficult on a river or creek with faster moving water. Thing was very heavy so it required 2 people to load on vehicle but I could do it myself on my kayak trailer. I liked the boat but it just was’nt my type of fishing so I traded it in on an Eddyline