What kind of line do you use on your spinning reels. I am about to go to town to get some new line to get my reels set up and just wondered if you use the generic mono from Wallys or do you go the more expensive name brand such as Trilene, etc.? Why? Any less prone to tangling?
Fire Line
I first tried Fire Line last year. Now I use it on all of my spinning reels. I like it.
I have always just gotten the “generic” and never noticed any problems. I have learned that in many cases, items that cost more are actually worth it, but can’t see changing line since I have never had a problem.
Good luck and good fishing,
I’m pretty fond of Stren Clear Blue. It’s flourescent so it’s easy to see above water. Nice when you are line watching for slow hitters.
Line for spinning reels depends on
what you are fishing for most. Soft mouth-like trout, then mono is more forgiving and you could probably find fans of several brands. Momoi or Yozuri Hybrid is the mono of choice for me. If you are young, with keen eyesight, use clear-if not, use one of the flourescent colors. I like to use Tufline XP,a braided line, with Seaguar fluorocarbon leader, for snook, reds, and other tough customers. I have arrived at these choices after many trials. All these lines perform well in the saltwater environment here in Florida.
Been using…
Trilene Big Game for years without complaint.
The problem I see most often isn’t failure of the line used but rather, operator failure with improperly set drags or drags that are stored in a tight position. Loosening your drag at the end of every day and reseting it at the beginning of each trip can help a lot. The next most common mistake I se is people trying to horse a fish around. When you hook a bigun’ you have to work him in slowly. Getting in a hurry often resuts in a broken line. I once broke an Ugly Stick trying to horse a Jack Crevalle to the boat. After learning patience and finnesse, I later landed a 42", 39# red drum on 10# test Trilene.
Load reels properly and don’t reel them up very tight at the end of the day. A reel with line stored on it tightly can be damaged as the line dries and shrinks and the line is making a “memory” at the same time.
It’s a fact of life… eventually mono will eventually retain some twist. When you can, let the naked line drag behind you as you paddle out for a mile or so and a lot of the twist can be removed. Same results can be gained if you just let a lot of naked line out in a current and let it sit for a while.
Last tip for the day… never store you hook in an eyelet on the rod. It can make little burrs that will abrade your line.
YakaLou-good advice on mono memory-
that’s one of the reasons I really like Tuffline XP-no memory and holds up for a long time. Find XP superior to Fireline and PowerPro and less expensive in bulk.
line twist
I usual change lines three times a season or more depending on whatever. Dragging the line bare works, but this past summer I switched to a lot of jigs with 2 tails and found line twist really bad.
I find the greatest problem with line is that people do not tie the knot well.
power pro
Stopped using mono about 8 years ago. I have over 20 outfits rigged with power pro. Used to have to change line at least twice a year. Now I only change when due to breaking off snags my spool gets to low. Some of my power pro is over 6 years old and fine. You must use a fast taper rod when using super lines on soft mouth fish. The thin top of the rod prevents tearing out of the hook.
I’ve switched
I’m using Spectra on all my light-tackle spinning rigs now. I tie a uni-to-uni knot on a flourocarbon leader and let er rip. I met a guy with spectra on his light tackle that was two years old and showed ZERO coil and was in perfect shape. I don’t plan on buying new line for years at a time. One spool of 4# flourocarbon and I’m set for a loooong time.