With all the parks closing where do I go to catch flounder in north Carolina. I’d like to fish inshore from my kayak but don’t know where to go. The govt. snafu has cancelled my annual trip to the core banks and yes I am pissed. I’d appreciate any help I can get from someone who knows the N.C. I have already purchased my license in anticipation of my ill fated trip
Hammocks Beach State Park
That area should be good for paddling and fishing.
You can also put in at Beaufort, NC and paddle over to Shackleford Banks. I realize the park services are closed, but there is primitive camping on Shackleford. Typically, you are required to check-in when camping, but I know that doesn’t happen frequently.
Hammock beach
Thx paddle more looked it up on google and think it’s going to fit the bill. To anyone else N.C. Has a big blurb up trying to lure fisherman in to the state parks. Lic. Are cheap and the fishings pretty good.