flare gun

If we could only get every sea…
…kayaker to carry a submersible VHF and multiple other signalling devices on their persons, there would be a great deal fewer kayaker deaths. There are usually 2-3 kayak deaths local to me every year. I’ve yet to read a review where a submersible VHF wouldn’t have saved their live(s) and my guess is that none of them thought they would need one. If price is a concern, that concern may be considerably smaller when the kayaker is in the water with the boat being blown away. Carrying a submersible rated PLB, such as the McMurdo Pains-Wessex model with integral GPS is also a great idea.

VHF, then PLB
VHF, yes of course. PLB is a last resort tool in your arsenal when all means of signaling/contact has failed and life, limb, vision (or expensive property) hangs in the balance.

Greg Stamer