Flooded Basement and "Lemonade..."

Good to know! I know some of the roads for my camp, several towns over, had been impacted and fixed. I’ve been getting several email alerts from CMP that the power lines around the camp have gone down and gotten fixed after the recent string of storms.


Took a ride around Bristol and the major damage is to docks and piers. One house at least did wash away. I was just gawking and met the homeowner . His relatives owned the house next door and watched helplessly as the house ( built on pilings ) left. Toward the head of Muscongus bay nothing much had happened.
Sing as far as CMP alerts they are laughable. Not very accurate. We used the outage map that said we had service. We did not. Talking to a line crew they said don’t put a lot of faith in that info.

Here we go again today.

The docks at Port Clyde took a hit too. Not going to find the article real fast but I saw it in the last 48 hours. Ocean Point in Boothbay has a lot of missing or undriveable roadway as you approach it. IMpressive pics.

Some surrounding smaller harbors further up from Pemaquid Point or smaller more sheltered ones seem to have had less damage. A lot of repairable not fatal damage to shoreline houses thru there. Like where I stay.

Yes, coming just off a 14 and change foot tide about an hour ago thru most of Muscongus if I recall the charts right.

The damage is mostly docks in every town have floated away or are no longer stable. Fishermen need docks. It may be that with fewer docks access will have to be by boat ramps as we saw fishermen doing yesterday in New Harbor. So what the repercussions for recreational use remains to be seen

Every coastal town that has a road that runs low down no longer has that road.
you can stream https://www.newscentermaine.com/ they are live from various points on the coast.

The talk about not rebuilding has started. Yes a watershed moment. Port Clyde fish coop is an island and its acess is under five feet of water. Looks from TV to be about a thousand feet in th ocean.

Anyway this was not a big storm and hence the talk about rethinking waterfront uses. Some businesses have talked about relocating on the news.

The news coverage nationally f ing sucks
You’re a long time visitor and I suggest contacting the owner of your rental or sny local year round contacts
Our local news has been far better which leads me to a rant ( not at you)
So much syndicated sterilized news leads to a loss of local contact .
I do have a local station that has brought in staff in the field on a Saturday and preempted canned programming for three hours at high tide today
So try to tune in on a channel local to Maine like WMTW or WABI or WCSH
I live a bit inland out of the affected area and its not popular to say this but I have been glued to regional Facebook groups

I am not getting this from the national news. Courier Gazette, Working Waterfront and MITA. And FB page from the local general store.

I already contacted the owner of the place, that is why I know that whatever damage they had was not fatal. Got a photo of the most at risk buildings today. Going to cost them some money but they can be repaired.

no need to argue with mel Have a good day.

Video would not come thru right. But out there is a video of someone in a flooded nbhd paddling towards the sea in a rec boat.

Caption from local police says “we strongly advise against kayaking here”