Florida Paddling Trails Association - Paddle Fest 2025!

Hey Paddlers!
By way of introduction, The Florida Paddling Trails Association is, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization formed in 2007 under the guidance of the Department of Environmental Protection’s Office of Greenways & Trails to be the steward for the 1,515-mile Florida Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddling Trail that surrounds the state. In 2009, that stewardship was expanded to all of Florida’s water trails.

We are a statewide community of paddlers, clubs, outfitters, and other supporters who share a passion for exploring Florida’s scenic waterways via canoes, kayaks, and paddleboards.

This is our announcement of the PaddleFest 2025 event that will be held this year at beautiful Tomoka State Park.

Questions to ask yourself:

  1. Are you too cold to paddle? Answer: come to the Florida Paddling Trails Association PaddleFest 2025.
    Link to Paddle Fest 2025 - [2025 PaddleFest — Florida Paddling Trails Association]
  2. Are you a paddler that is moving to, or do you frequently visit Florida?
    Answer: You need to be a member of the Florida Paddling Trails Association.
  3. Are you a Florida based paddler that wants to be involved in and support, Florida water trails development and maintenance
    Answer: Join The Florida Paddling Trails Association. (https://www.floridapaddlingtrails.com/)

This was such a great event last year I am really looking forward to PaddleFest ‘25!

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