Foam Core Paddles vs. Standard Carbon???

I thought I had seen this subject here recently but can’t seem to find it in the archives. (My you, my question is based on the fact that I don’t have anyplace to demo paddles around here)

My question may approach this subject from a different angle…I currently use an Ikelos and a Cyprus, both high angle foam core paddles from Werner. I like the feel of both in the water; however, something has got me thinking about whether a standard carbon paddle might be better.

Here is why I ask: I have noticed that with both of these paddles while doing bow rudders and hanging draws that the paddles seem to transmit a lot of torque to my body when opening the blade up. This can be tiresome after paddling for a long time.

I am wondering if this may be due to the thickness of these blades. For draw-type strokes they do present a large profile in the water. I am wondering if a thinner, standard carbon blade might do this less and slide through the water with less resistance when opening the blade angle performing these strokes.

Any thoughts?



Just the opposite for me
I went to a foam core paddle because I find it much better for hanging draws and other slicey strokes. Having the smooth back is huge because the water tends to grab the blades on a standard paddle and they don’t want to slice as straight or as smooth, in my experience.

My non-foam paddles are noisier and drip more water, I really like the smooth backs.

That said, my non-foam paddles offer a crisper catch than my Kalliste.

applied to the body is a direct relationship to the pitch of the blade slicing thru the water NOT the blade thickness. try less blade pitch angle when slicing.

or try a smaller blade. I personally dislike BIG, grippy blades (like yours)and prefer a more ‘neutral’ blade like oh…maybe…an AT EXception. :wink:


True about blade size. I notice the Cyprus is much easier on the body for these strokes than the Ikelos which is super big and grippy.

On the other end of the specturm is my Greenland Paddle which creates super low torque.

Perhaps a narrower blade like the Kalliste or Athena.

We’ll see.


Little Dipper?
I almost prefer the Little Dipper in the real bumpy stuff. Smaller blade, higher cadence = more bracing strokes, nice in wind… crisp catch but no top speed.

Just can’t have everything…

I doubt that the thickness of the blade
affects the loading you experience. If there is an effect, it is more likely due to the non-core paddle back-flexing slightly under load. As for sliciness, the quality cored paddles are pretty thin already, and that slight cross section at the edge isn’t going to do much.

Even working with paddles from the same manufacturer, it is hard to make comparisons and be sure what the critical difference is. The paddle builder wasn’t making paddles for a controlled experiment, but hoped to get the best from each approach.

…in agreement with the other guys…
bladeface area(size) is more of the issue.