Fogging Glasses????

Having to wear glasses is a real pain for kayaking. I always have a problem with them fogging up. I have tried different products, but still have not found a completely reliable anti-fog treatment for my glasses. Can anyone recommend one???



There’s all kinds of anti-fog products–none of them work 100% (or really anywhere near) that I’ve seen. If you can (assuming these are prescription glasses) get a pair made with plastic lenses. You might have tried this already but, plastic lenses are much less likely to fog than are glass lenses–and lighter. Scratch easier though, of course. Good luck.

Loose fit
Larger lensed, loose fitting glasses (especially ones with the old fashioned nose pieces) will fog less because air circulates around them better. Even pulling them down off the bridge of your nose will help.

Biking Glasses
The better glasses for biking (as in bicycles) often are vented on top. You may want to give them a shot - Native has some that are quite good classes for the money. The water-shedding part , so far, doesn’t last long in any of my glasses. Have to carry clothes and refresh it even if they start out with a protective film within a week of arriving on salt water.

Sounds nasty, but it’s still used for diving/scuba masks.

Also, try some of the anti-fog products at dive shops, maybe those will help. You can’t just goob it on though, you have to rub it into the glass with a small circular motion using your finger tips, and then rinse with water. Stuff works great.

cat crap
Yes a real product, works the best of anything I have tried over the years. Wiped off leaves little or no smudging to affect vision. Stays on quite awhile too.

Check Out
I wish i had found them before I purchased. They have a pair of watersports goggles that have the proper venting and can be done with prescription for $89.


Gel toothpaste
Upon suggestion from a chemist, I smeared gel toothpaste on the inner lens faces of my cycling sunglasses. Then I rinsed them with plain water, using fingers to wash out the gel.

The gel actually did reduce fogging, though it wore off quickly. It’s not a great solution but it’s worth trying, since it is cheap, reversible, and does not harm anything.

second the spit
it’s cheap, real effective. I do this for snorkeling and it works great. Spit, wipe, rinse.

Spit, in combo with the oil on your
finger, works better than any commercial product, followed by a quick dip rinse. Perhaps for folks who don’t want to use their own spit, we could bottle ours and sell it for $4.95.

second the cat crap
I’ve used it too…I need to by some more…My right side is driving me crazy…and oddly enough it’s only the right side tha fogs bad…I guess my face is lop-sided.

Dive Shop Goop
I also purchased a little bottle of goop from the dive shop. It was five bucks a bottle but it lasts for years and works great.


Depends on a lot of things.
Are your touring, doing WW, or what? If WW, nothing really works for long. If after my first roll they start to fog up I just rinse them in the river. If you are touring they should not fog up unless it is cold out and you are working hard (hence breathing hard). If nothing works for you you have two choices: contact lenses (always bring a spare pair) or surgery so you don’t need glasses.

Try this
Dive masks must first be cleaned with toothpaste to remove any silicone residue. Then an application of SPIT or any of many dive shop anti-fogging products is applied. Usually works.

I would suggest you toothpaste them and clean thourghly … then apply several coats of rubbing alcohol letting it dry in-between coats. Polish dry with a soft tissue. If you want you can also try Rain-X antifog which can be bought at most automotive stores.