Probably a Greenland II tandem. There is a guy on who is parting out what looks like the same model and has all the ribs intact. Since he only wants $250 for the whole thing she should be able to get the one for a reasonable price, maybe $30 to $50. But I’d be tempted to buy whatever he has left for backup if I owned her boat. The skin on his is trashed – getting all the frame parts for that price is a deal. Your friend should be able to locate the serial number somewhere engraved or printed on the skin and that will indicate year and model. I don’t think they radically changed the later Greenland II’s once they started using the plastic ribs.
Seller wants to get rid of these fast so it would be worth getting in touch soon to match up serial numbers.
People have sometimes replicated ribs by cutting the shape from solid HDPE plastic (the same stuff used for kitchen cutting boards).
The older Folbots used marine plywood for the ribs It should be fairly easy to make one from a good grade half inch plywood by using the parts of the broken one as a pattern.
Many pieces, parts and assemblies have been sent all over North America. I have frames 1, 2, and 3 left. The lower bow assembly, left bow assembly, and right and left stern assemblies are also available… everything is located in Bloomington, Indiana.
I do have the left stern assembly you need. What happened to your lower stern assembly? I don’t know if it is possible to swap out some pieces and use the bow assembly I have and stern pieces you might have to put together a functioning stern assembly.
Not sure if I could jury rig a fix with the lower bow assembly. I would love to see what parts you have for the greenland II. Could you post pictures of what you have?
Frames 1, 2, and 3 are left. The lower bow assembly, left bow assembly, and right and left stern assemblies are also available… everything is located in Bloomington, Indiana. $50 or any frame or assembly. A deal could be worked out if some were to just come get what I have left. I have packaged and shipped everything else, all across North America. Most pieces have to be custom boxed to help keep shipping costs down.
Thanks for those. They look like they are in great condition. I will double check my boat parts to make sure of what I need and to see if the bow can double as a stern.
Anyone want a complete circa 1970’s Folbot tandem? Wood. Has rudder and sail kit. Complete - just vintage. Bags, pads, paddles, canopy, etc. Good-very good condition.
Your best bets would be doing on search on eBay, where people with older folders often parts out the frames once the skins have failed AND join one or more of the folding kayak groups on Facebook. I have seen exchanges on some of the folder groups there where people exchanged or offered extra parts for sale.
The demise of the forum was a great loss for those of us who own collapsible watercraft. It was a great place to find help (and parts).
If you still have the broken part and could glue it back together, you might be able to find somebody who could digitally scan and duplicate it with a 3D printer.