Foot Brace on OT Guide/Disco 119

I bought a Dick’s OT Guide 119 last year. I only got it on the water once due to rotator cuff surgery, but now ready to get back on water.

The first think I thought though that first time out was this thing needs foot pegs. Especiall with the plastic seat.

But since I injured my shoulder I put the boat away and didn’t give it much thought until I saw the the new OT NEXT, and started thinking about it again.

I’ve search the forums and found info mostly about ABS boats and gluing or drilling through hull. Since the 119 is Poly I understand that glue does not hold and so am ok with drilling.

I am thinking to use the Wenonah foot bar. I understand it comes in solo or tandem, what’s the difference? Length for wider tandem boat?

Any advice on palcement, drilling the 3 layer poly, orother installation tips would be greatly appreciated.

I’m still a little nervouse about drilling holes in the boat.


Measure twice, cut once.
I’ve installed several Wenonah sliding foot braces and not all at the same height and I’m not sure which height I preferred.

My main tip is to be sure that both tracks are mounted very close to parallel to each other.

Put the adjustment knob on the bow side of the cross bar, so that your feet can go all the way to the tracks without the knob in the way.

I’m not sure if the Wenonah solo brace is wide enough for that canoe. The tandem can be cut down to length with a hack saw for solo canoes.

Good luck. A foot brace in a solo canoe makes a huge difference in control and power when paddling seated.

Before you drill consider G Flex.
I’ve never used it on a poly boat but I’ve read success stories of people who have and have had friends add things to kayaks with it. If you try it and it doesn’t work you can always break out the drill.