Footbrace for Bell Canoe

New to the board and paddling/canoeing for the most part, other than whitewater rafting a few times, and a few canoe trips way back.

I recently bought a Bell Northwind Royalex, and was thinking of installing a footbrace/footrest. I think it would be much more comfortable, as well as efficient because I would get more power out of my stroke.

I do not want to install anything that involves drilling or riveting… The only kits I have found are the ones offered by bell, and I am not sure exactly what they would look like installed, or how hard it was to install them. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? Thanks

footbraces on RX
Footbraces are easy. Get a pair or tywo of Keepers from a Confluence dealer. Scuff and clean the area w/ acetone and install with Plexus from Jamestown Distributors.

Aren’t keepers designed more for kayaks? How do they work? I was thinking of something that would run across the width of the canoe just high enough to stop my feet…

I like the Wenonah sliding brace.

– Last Updated: Apr-01-08 2:41 PM EST –

I installed one in my royalex Bell Wildfire / Yellowstone Solo and it works great. I mounted it with the supplied rivets.

Edit: I just re-read your post and saw that you don't want to drill holes, so please disregard my suggestion.

bar across
I do not recommend a cross bar for a foot brace in white water because of entrapment if your foot slips under the the bar. A loaded tripping canoe is sometimes hard to trim if you can not pull one of the packs back between the feet of the stern paddler. I am putting keepers in my composite tripping canoe.

Nice Boat

– Last Updated: Apr-02-08 3:13 AM EST –

I have a Northwind also and have been debating on which foot braces to get. I installed a Bell footbrace in the wife's old Bell Bucktail. Looked to see if I had any pics showing the footbrace setup, and I didn't. I never really liked it and neither did my wife. It rattled and just never seemed as sturdy as one that is bolted in.

I have used Wenonah's and I like it, but was ALSO thinking of the kayak footbraces. A friend had those installed in their Mohawk Solo 14 and it worked well. As I recall, the Placid Canoes I paddled also had that setup for a footbrace. Also, the foot entrapment wouldn't be an issue with those.

I'm glad you posed this question, it helped me decide that the kayak footbraces are what I'm going to order. BTW, Charlie BUILDS canoes and Eric sells and modifies canoes so I put a lot faith in their opinions!