Is the Forgotten Skills DVD worth buying? Or is there a better one you can recommend? Mostly I want to learn to be a better camper and to be prepared for any unfortunate outdoor situations that might arise for myself and/or others (lost in the woods, cold and need to get warm quickly, etc.).
If you’re new to canoe camping
it’s a good dvd if you’re new to canoe camping, and a few tips for more experienced campers. It shows a good bit of information about rigging a tent for foul weather and laying out a comfortable sleeping arrangement, hanging a kitchen tarp, building a fire in the rain. Yeah, its worth the price.
I have that DVD
a few good tips about camping “skills” but not much more. Not worth $30 in my opinion but nothing better around.
You may have already considered going the book route, but in case you haven’t, Wilderness Camping and Survival is a good one. Here’s a review (but I can vouch for this book myself):
I’ll sell you mine
for $20 postage included.
Not to belittle the DVD - lots of good info. I have rigged my Tundra Tarps as Clif does, and the system works as adverrtized.
I have just pretty much memorized everything.
Forgotten Skills
I have the DVD and have used the advice many times. The knots alone are worth the price.
I forgot about the knots, good stuff
Seeing how to rig a tundra tarp was very useful.
ok, how about this?
Just found that one. Anybody know how it compares to Forgotten Skills?
wha wha whe wha
I've never seen that video, but it is hosted by Gretchen Cordy. I worked with Gretchen while I was assigned to the Air Force Survival School. She knows her stuff. If she's doing the video instruction, you can't go wrong.
However, if she's just hosting due to her "fame" from Survivor, I'd skip it.
different dvd
Here’s the good one;
I’m confused
That looks like the one I originally asked about. You say it’s a “different DVD”. How so?
I was responding to KayakAngler
who was describing the wrong dvd. The correct dvd is The Forgotten Skills featuring Cliff Jacobsen, available at most paddle related online stores for less than $20.
How about P.Net
Why not buy it from P.Net instead?
Yes, I have already bought some
DVDs from p-net, and since I'm a Paddling Perks member and get the discount, I'd most likely buy again from p-net. Just need to figure out which one(s) to buy... have my eye on a few.
I love DVDs. So much cheaper than lessons, less embarrassing (I hate messing up or looking like a goofball in public), and I can watch them over and over again which is especially nice in winter when I'm bored senseless.
Yeah, what do they mean by “hosted”?
Not sure if that means she is doing the instruction or not. I don’t even watch Survivor, so I never heard of her before. Thanks for the info.