FoxWorx paddles

Has anyone paddled with or even seen Foxworx paddles? I’d like to know any impressions. I’m particularly considering a straight shaft canoe paddle.


Seen a bunch
and will buy one in a heart beat once the O/T picks up at work. FoxWorx is the old camp paddles. Seems The Fox family only has one paddle that was designed by Al Camp and the rest are their designs so they decided to cange the name. The Foxes are nice people and I have been passed by one or the other of their sons in various races.

i had a boss of mine buy one for his solo plus and he likes it alot.

Great Paddles
For the money they can’t be beat.

They have an excellent “crip” feel.

They are suprisingly strong and can take a fair bit of rock bashing inspite of the fairly thin blade.

And they are purty.

you said the magic words
"thin blade"

thanks! i live less than an hour from where they’re made. think i’ll go take a look.


I just put my order in to Santa
for the carbon spoon blade whitewater paddle from these folks! The price on this is literally half that of comparable models of more well known companies.($130) I have seen two other paddles from them and they are quite well made.

Love mine!
I have the Camp bent shaft and it is really well made and not alot of money for a quality paddle.

I am bringing a bunch on Friday