Due to health issues, I realize I’ll never be able to do whitewater paddling again. To gain garage space, I am willing to give away our two Hollowform River Chasers – both white (my yellow one was destroyed in a highway mishap). They are both in good shape, especially my wife’s since she used it infrequently only on easy water. In addition, I have the spray skirts, flotation bags, 3 paddles (one feathered), and 2 hockey helmets (yeah, well, paddling helmets were not in existence when I started, and I just continued using the hockey helmet).
The deal is: you can have it all if you haul it all (!) out of my garage in Marin County, California. I’m not sending anything anywhere, and I’m not giving away anything unless the space-consuming kayaks are taken.
Ahh river chasers, a true classic, one of the first plastic boats in production for whitewater. I refer to whitewater boats of that era as Point and shoot because they held a line well and carried some speed (very little rocker). Unlikely though that I will make it Cali to pick boats anytime soon.
Thanks for your sentiment. I have been able to paddle in rafts in the past few years, but my wife won’t join me on those trips anymore. Getting old sucks! The alternative just didn’t seem too great at the time. Of course, by getting old, I mean that serious health problems become more probable.
There are many forms of paddling, some which offer things Whitewater doesn’t and the body has tremendous healing ability, if you give it a chance. Just wishing you good luck.