Free woodstrip canoe molds update

My building days are winding down.

Free molds for woodstrip canoes. All are ¾ AC grade plywood.

GONE 16’ Chestnut Prospector drafted from Canoecraft offsets GONE
16’ William English Model 20 drafted from Canoecraft offsets
15’ Rushton Vayu drafted from offsets in Rushton and His Times in American Canoeing. A real cool 15’x30" solo with V bottom
18’ Maine Guide drafted from patterns in Building a Strip Canoe

Free for pick up in Toccoa, GA. Will not ship.


My friend Bill and I made the trip to Toccoa, GA this last Wednesday to pick up the molds for a 16’ Chestnut Prospector. Lisa and Larry tagged along. Lisa brought sedge’s offer to my attention. He lives back in the woods far enough he doesn’t have cell coverage. We enjoyed our visit with sedge, and hearing of his canoeing experiences. He gave use numerous tips on how to do the build. He had a strip built sailing dingy to still finish and that is the last boat he plans on building. He built molds for Dagger when they were in Long Creek, SC and was good friends with the owner. We went down to look at his personal canoes. He made a simple designed and easy to make rowing seat with the extended oar locks that attaches to the yoke/thwart. His canoe seats are roped in a double Belgian weave which takes 110 feet of rope.

Bill (I crew on his Flying Scot in the sailboat races at the sailing club) has the molds at his shop, and we are looking forward to doing the build.

Sedge installing his rowing seat in his Chestnut Prospector. You can see the portage pads he bolts to the thwart in the bottom of the canoe.

Just to be clear, I never built molds for any of Dagger’s boats. I did mill the strips that went into many of the prototype hulls. The molds for production were constructed around those woodstrip hulls.

Sorry for the misinformation there.