Fun Shark Footage... Just Hanging Out

How do you feel about paying for Medivac?:laughing:

For not checking the app

I hope to help you see the error of your ways :grin:

Low probability

Better to spend your time worrying about bears :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Like I do

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Very low probability for deadly encounter with shark or bear, I am sure the odd makers can attest. Funny thing is that I have run into black bears (quite common in the northeast) while hiking and bird hunting. These bears didn’t want an encounter with me (or my bird dog). I have never encounter a shark (at least to my knowledge). So, it is a case of fear, or less of, based on the “devil” I’ve ran into vs the one I have not (to my knowledge). :wink:



One night in Hawaii I was diving and alone on a deco stop. The visibility was poor and some gill slits went by about two feet from my face and they were a hand widths apart. My heart almost pumped out of my chest and I left the stop a little early.:grimacing: I never saw the whole fish.

God bless poor Maui :smiling_face_with_tear: what a tragedy.

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Being in the water with sharks is not fun at all.
I had one swim under me in Florida and it approached from the rear. We were snorkeling in the open ocean south of Key West about 15 miles from shore on a reef.


Can someone show me a clip of an attack on a sit-inside boat that was not fishing or was not close to a dead seal?


Black paddle looks like a seal flipper or tail?

No video but some kayakers from LA area were surfing near an oil platform and a GWS grabbed a sea kayak and thrashed it, leaving holes. Sealions do swim near the platform, but the attack was a complete surprise to very experienced ocean paddlers.

Would be speculation at best. I do know my reaction would be similar to the surf kayaker - super spooked by the first swipe and full caution (controlled panic) on the second swipe. Yup, time to get out of Dodge!!!


Fully activated amygdala!

Yup. Watch this video. His amygdala was in overdrive.


My only salt water kayaking has been in Puget Sound and around a couple of the San Juan Islands. No Great Whites there; I’ve heard that the Orcas keep them away. I enjoy your kayak surfing posts from the Boston area, but I think the Western Great Lakes offer enough excitement for me!
Also, I want to eat the fish, not the other way around!

Watch out, @sing!

Been close, but NOT that close. At Jenness beach/NH, was sitting outside on my waveski, scanning for the next good set coming in. About 100 yards out, a whales breaches in the incoming lines of swell. My mouth dropped! First and only time I have seen a whale.

Seals… I see them, I move away. Don’t want to get confused with shark bait. :warning: :otter: :seal: :shark:


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