I received a 60csx for Xmas (thanks honey!). The map that comes with nit is very limited, as I was told to expect.
But a friend who also has a 60 (non-color version, and a few years old) said that the map that came with his had more details than what I am seeing. Specifically, he said that the navigational buoys for the waterways (shipping lanes) were all part of his.
Does anyone else who has one of these units know if they do come with the unit? Is there some setting on the unit, or some software from the included disk, which I need to see them?
if it’s the same as the 76 csx
Go to the map setup screen and turn the detail to “most”.
If it has a “declutter” feature, turn it off.
already done (NM)
I have a 60cs that I just bought
and the base map that came on it was lacking detail as well. Entire reaches of rivers were missing, as well as roads. I picked up a copy of Topo US 2008 on Amazon for about $80 and created maps for the areas I paddle and the detail is now super. In fact we found a road that was previously not showing up that saved us about 30 miles on a shuttle recently.
Yours should be even easier to update since you have the removable memory card.