I got a quick lesson in hydrodynamics the other day. I have an Anas Acuta in my quiver of kayaks that I haven’t been able to paddle confidently in conditions for the last few years.
I had to take about a year off from paddling for medical reasons about 6 years ago, and my balance and depth perception were both permanently affected. For most things, I got much of the balance back, but not in the Anas. I always felt unsure in it in conditions, so it was relegated to lake paddling for the last 5 years. Well, I was paddling it last week, and got to thinking I might have to sell it. I got out of the boat at the end of the paddle, and for whatever reason, my finger pushed down on the foam seat, and sank in a bit more than I thought.
That got me thinking about center of gravity. And to lower my butt by an inch might make a difference. So I removed the seat, and went on a paddle sitting on the bottom of the cockpit. TOTALLY DIFFERENT BOAT.
Great feel, not at all bothered by beam waves of almost a foot or so, easy to edge, and total confidence. Got my butt further below the water line, and everything changed. Took her out at the shore saturday, and she was great in wind and waves from a small shower approaching us.
Not sellin’ her, no way. She’s seaworthy again. My Recluse is next in the no seat campaign.