Teva soles. Teva may be EPDM. Sole separated from lacing body.
I have plywood sole shaped cutouts for top and bottom blocks. The glued soles are blocked then pressed with a deep reach clamp, the kind with a real steel bar n wooden handle. used as adhesive. Surfaces prepared halfassed as I was in a rush leaving for the Rio.
sandals held during a 5 day trip.
You are using the wrong stuff !
Use “Marine Goop”
clean both surfaces with alcohol.
Spread some on each surface and then hold the surfaces apart with a broken tooth pick(s) about a quarter of an inch long for about ten minutes.(needle nose pliers are a good tool to use for placing them and removing them)
Then remove the tooth picks and squeeze the two surfaces together.
Put a heavy weight on top and leave it there overnight.
They should be good for a whole season or at least till a different place opens up.
I thought you were the expert who knows all!!!
Goop comes in a tube limiting toluene ect concentrations thus adhesion. See the comments on thickened GFlex.
3M sprays from a can under pressure thus more toluene ect and a more sophisticated mix.
The suggestion is experimental. A one off emergency use not for eternal shoe repair.
77 is removable for repeat use ages, GOOP is a PITA.
GOOP ? yeah used GOOP and in facto have an auto GOOP tube in the rear. In my trials GOOP fails during flexure and water invasion of the surfaces...more than maybe the 77. Overall, more GOOP failures than any other adhesive.
At the end of the GOOP road, I'm not finding any uses for GOOP. Maybe obsolete ?
ahhhh a hummingbird at my door .....smelling the GOOP thought.
If you thought ...
contact cement is the best choice
I used to work as a cobbler specializing in outdoor footwear. We used a type of contact cement. The stuff we used is not available retail but regular contact cement is a close cousin.
sand both surfaces
wipe down with acetone
coat both surfaces
let dry
press together and/or hammer
Most shoes soles come apart at about 140F. Drying shoes next to a fire, in an oven or even a very hot car can delaminate some shoes.
Get some Chacos
Only time you need to replace them is if you lose one.
wipe rubber
with acetone ?
I wore the Tevas as an everyday sandals for several weeks.
Did it take your toe nail polish
off ??
Jack L
Marine Goop
I think Marine Goop is the same as all other GOOP so I’ve been using the regular GOOP for my GOOP applications. I’m not certain GOOP is the best for this application but I’ve had good luck with it in other situations.
Warning about Goop
I used Goop to repair a pair of shoes and it ruined several other pairs of shoes that were stored near the Gooped shoes. Apparently in the curing process, which seems to take quite awhile, certain fumes are produced that attack some materials used in shoe soles–especially the spongy variety. My advice is don’t use Goop at all and no matter what kind of glue you use to reattach shoe soles, never store them anywhere around anything you care about.
That is weird !
I have been using it for ten years or more on various el cheapo Wally world sneakers that I transform into water shoes and also on Tevas.
They get thrown into our shoe bench/box along with all kinds of shoes, including my good hiking boots, and I have never had that problem.
I’ll continue to use it.
Jack L
Agree with ya Jack
That’s a strange experience, magooch. I too have used goop for years for all kinds of things and never had anything like that happen. A tip of the hat to johnysmoke though. My Chacos are about 8 years old & still going strong.
Barge cement. Worked for me.
I assure you my experience with Goop was real and it did destroy several pairs of shoes. It happened over a long period of time where the repaired shoes were kept in a closet with most of the rest of my shoes. The fact that you haven’t had the same experience might be due to where you keep your shoes. As I said, mine were stored in a closet with no ventilation and that might well be the difference.
“long period of time”
Well, your experience is hardly definitive since it doesn't isolate potential causes. I've had a few different pairs of shoes fall apart in exactly that manner, "over a long period of time". One time the shoes would be as good as new, and then, a few months later, I was surprised to find that the soles were no longer attached. A lot of shoes nowadays, once they reach a certain age, will suddenly break down and fall apart. To me, the natural breakdown with age seems a much more plausible explanation for your experience than the idea that it was due to fumes being emitted from a fully-cured adhesive. A fresh adhesive I *might* believe, but fully cured? No way can I believe that - especially not when experience shows that that kind of thing sometimes happens all by itself.
results vary
do they ever. GOOP stinks from chemicals creating a soft adhering surface for the sticky stuff…but then canned 3M adhesives in a serious range of applications would by definition be better than a open tube BUT 3M’s advice on shoes soles is ‘not likely’
Too much continual flexure.
An acetone wash this I’ll try with a used shoe. I was using Magooch’s understanding that acetone once applied to rubber or epdm (?) would rot the rubber into an unused able form.
Internet search.Time passes. Since GOOP we see poly glues, urethanes…the 3M lineup. Check the HDepot wall.
GOOP fumes like acetone fumes ? could rot an absorbent material - STP