Goodbye - hello

The message board is kinda clunky
especially compared to here. Even the B&B exile message board is better than this new one.

My impression is that this new site is set up more as a resource for giving advertisers access to paddlers than it is as a resource for the paddlers themselves. I hope that my first impression is not correct.

I had the same thing happen to me.
“I re-registered and signed in, but when I read stuff it says I have to sign in to comment.”

Hopefully, in time, the glitches will be worked out.

got logged in on my computer, but the log-in isn’t working on my iPad. I log-in, but when I go to the message boards I get the “you must be a new user, you need to log-in” message. Logged in about a dozen times with no change.

How do you imbed pictures?

What I found on my iPad
was that the old method of logging in as “Rookie” didn’t work. When I switched to my email address, it did.

I’ve just bookmarked the message boards to avoid the front pages.

As to photos, in the comment box there’s a little green photo icon in the top border. When you click it, you’ll see “Enter image URL.” Paste the URL where your photo is stored and the image is inserted in your comment.

Photobucket’s URLs work okay, but really long ones, like Google photos, don’t seem to as Andy couldn’t get an image to load. See his posting under “Photos” in the Paddler’s Place section.

Same here.
Microsoft says don’t do it.

All a jumble
Seems like all the messages in a thread are jumbled up in no order I can discern.

I compared the Fall Ozarks Rendezvous Pictures thread from the Getting Together & Going Paddling board.

All the posts to that thread on the site are dated and listed in order with the oldest posts appearing first. The most recent post on that thread was on Nov. 6.

All the post to that thread on the site are dated Nov. 11. The posts do not appear in any logical order that I can discern.

I hope this gets straightened out. On the site you can determine if a post is a response to the original post or a response to someone’s response to the original post (Well, that is true if posters exhibit any care as to where they post their responses.)

I can see where if this isn’t straightened out it can become very difficult to use these boards and follow the discussions within posts.

We’ll see but exploring the message boards and trying to follow discussions with posts on the new site at this time requires more effort than I am willing to expend. If this does not improve I will probably visit considerably less often than I visit

After all, I’m getting older and don’t have as much time left as I used to.

@Quieth2o said:
I received an email a while ago giving
– Last Updated: Nov-17-16 9:59 PM EST –

me a link to activate my account. Did that, entered my old password as my new password and that was that.

Keep checking your inbox for a message from which will contain the link.

JackL and jbernard will be happy to hear that images can be embedded in posts. Just did a test posting to check it out. Works nicely.

All kinds of interesting things at the new place.

Only one hour allowed to edit a message and I can’t find a way to delete the message, or delete an image.

Well, the more recent threads are being migrated here but in doing so, an identity bug has emerged as my previous comments are now assigned to “Quieth2o.” Or maybe that’s a hint to be quieth?

Still here. Login worked. Guess I’ll figure out the site when I have more time.

New site let me in ok. Nice to see the ability to modify one’s display name without having to get an admin to make the change. Now I can have the display name consistent with other sites.

Used gear section… its up

@ret603 @Yanoer we have put up a message board for used gear for now.

Thanks everyone for your patience as we get settled in to the new place. There are lots of new things on the horizon and the move to the new site is the first (and at times a bit messy) step.

Thanks. I’ve checked it out. Looking good.

I don’t know if this will be of any help, but my ability to post a comment depends on what device I’m on. Everything seems to be working fine with this lap top, but when I switched to a desk top, I couldn’t satisfy the sign in. It just sent me around in circles. I guess I’ll try a tablet and my phone and see what happens.

Well it seems to be working fine on this tablet, but it doesn’t work for squirt on my phone and at least one tablet and the desk top. Maybe it’s a memory issue. That doesn’t seem right, because all of my tablets, phones and computers work on every other website I go to.